#invencible x reader
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swetearss · 8 months ago
sorry for always being the first like in your fic, i just check the 'x reader' hashtag constantly
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xjulixred45x · 7 months ago
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Yui Komori lectora(TRADUCCION)
Género: Headcanons
Lector: femenino
Advertencias: menciones de abuso(TW), TEPT, y bastante dolor para lectora, la lectora está basada en YUI KOMORI de Diabolik Lovers; así que es muy amable y amistosa, fluff.
empezando por lo basico, creo que esta lectora podria tener un origen mezclado con el de Eve y el de Yui todo en uno...
digamos que lectora nacio justamente de forma artificial para poder ser la vasija de cierto tipo de poderes sanadores y avanzar la ciencia de oa medicina. dandole desde pequeña la habilidad de tener sangre sanadora.
lo cual en un inicio no suena mal.
sin embargo, mientras crece(bajo la tutela de un agente de dicha organización que la creo bajo la fachada de un sacerdote) lectora empieza a ser expuesta a un entorno menos...agradable.
primero que nada, lectora fue criada acorde a la fachada de su padre, una persona de religión, lo que la hizo muy creyente.
esto le ayudaría a afrontar mejor la pesadilla que se avecinaba..
cuando lectora se desarrollo por completo, ya llegaba el momento de poner en practica otro aspecto de sus habilidades curativas.
lo cual era, infinjirle daño lo mas posible para ver la recuperación y como los poderes de ella actuaban en consecuencia.
definitivamente no fue agradable...
lectora fue golpeada, torturada, estirada, cortada, por decir algunas cosas..
si bien lectora se curaba increíblemente rapido, no significaba que esto fuera indoloro o mas facil para la proxim vez que la lastimaban, solo la prepara mentalmente...
hubo gente que solo hizo su trabajo durante todo esto, hubo gente que se enzaño a la hora de hacerla sufrir...
pero lectora no queria perder la esperanza de poder librarse de todos.
talvez no tenia un poder que le ayudara a salir por la fuerza, pero al menos podeia sobrevivir lo suficiente..
¿para que? ella realmente no lo sabia...
AHORA, aqui se divide la cosa y como pudo lectora conocer a Mark.
el primer escenario(medio obvio) es que haya Sido Mark como Invencible quien haya salvado a lectora de la gente que experimentaba con ella.
y el segundo, Mark y lectora se conocen ya cuando lectora de escapo por su cuenta y ayuda a Cecil a curar a los héroes a su mando.
vamos mas por el primero.
definitivamente al principio Mark penso que sería una operación mas sencilla, entrar, romper lo que sea que esta gente estaba creando que fuera peligroso, y volver para antes del almuerzo.
eso no paso.
primero que nada, se termino topando con un señor extraño(¿sr Komori?¿algo asi?) que parecia estar haciendo lo mismo que el y casi le dispara en la cara. lo cual no lo hubiera matado pero OUCH.
aprovechando que estaba de su lado, el sr Komori no perdió el tiempo y le pidió a Mark ayuda, que su hija estaba atrapada en la planta baja, ella necesitaba AYUDA.
y mira, puede que Mark es exceptico con estas cosas desde lo de Titan, pero este hombre lucia DESESPERADO y definitivamente habia, uh, matado a un buen numero de guardias para llegar a la planta baja. parecía beridico.
asi que, Mark decidio correr la apuesta.
(puedes apostar que fue una de las mejores decisiones de su vida).
aun si en el momento no se sintio asi, porque AMIGO, cuando Mark bajo con este señor a la planta baja y vio lo que vio, le dio ganas de vomitar.
registro y registros de TORTURA, papeles que detallaban todo, quimicos hechos a base del "material recolectado", etc.
definitivamente da las mismas virbas que el laboratorio de Vincent, si sabes a lo que me refiero.
aunque al menos Mark tenia el consuelo de que esta vez logro hacer algo a tiempo.
el escolto al sr Komori y lectora fuera del edificio (sip, los cargo a ambos. el señor Komori no dejaba de quejarse de lo incomodo que era. lectora solo estab agradecida de dejar ese lugar).
eso le llamo la atención a Mark.
pese a estar en una situación ENTENDIBLEMENTE estresante y traumatica, lectora parecia demaciado... tranquila. incluso rebosante.
aunque el simplemente sacudio el pensamiento de su cabeza y los llevo a los dos al pentágono para ser examinados(especialmente lectora..)
mientras tanto lectora no podia estar mas feliz! realmente se cumplio lo que esperaba, su padre (y un héroe!) vino a salvarla!
lectora SABIA que no debia perder la esperanza, ella estaba tan feliz.
apartir de aqui empezamos con las Interacciones de Mark con lectora.
después de ese incomodo comienzo, Mark probablemente se termine topando mucho con lectora porque ella esta internada plr tiempo indefinido por un buen tiempo en el pentágono, mientras que el termina ahi por sus constantes palizas lol.
por lo menos lectora le hace sentir mejor al respecto con mucho optimismo y positividad.
Mark mentiria si dijera que al principio el la entendia, la verdad al principio no.
especialmente no ELLA.
una parte de el pensaba que era una trampa lol
pero con el pasar de las idas al hospital y las charlas, Mark se dio cuenta de que, genuinamente, lectora habla sinceramente.
no habia doble intención en sus palabras, solo tratar de animarlo(y definitivamente después de siente mal por asumir que ella era una especie de psicópata lol).
probablemente lectora termina siendo la principal porra de Mark en sus inicios como heroe, lo cual es muy entrañable, el en parte no piensa que se lo merezca(con lo mucho que lo golpean/comete errores) pero lectora siempre dice lo mismo.
el es SU héroe primero que nada.
(disparo directo al corazon)
después de un tiempo, puede que Mark vaya a ver a lectora directamente al hospital/pentágono solo para poder hablar con ella, al principio con alguna excusa(como algun villano, tener una segunda opinión, un consejo?) pero eventualmente simplemente empezó a aparecerse en su cuarto de hospital sin previo aviso solo a charlar.
y charlas LAAAAARGAS.
definitivamente Mark aprende a aprecias mas el positivismo de lectora mientras mas avanza la historia, el DESEARIA tener la cuarta parte de todo eso..
el definitivamente iria HELLBENT si Cecil quisiera usar los hallazgos hechos por los científicos locos que tenian a lectora originalmente para el pentágono.
especialmente si ya esta en una relación con lectora a este punto (lo esta).
aunque no reaccionaria mejor si supiera que Cecil probablemente quiere usar muestras de sangre de lectora para mejorar el rendimiento de los héroes del pentágono:)
Una cosa es usar todo el conocimiento que gente HORRIBLE consiguio de lectora a base de TORTURA(MUY MAL) y otra MUY DIFERENTE es MANIPULAR a la VÍCTIMA de dicha tortura para que TRABAJE para ti en vez de sus abusadores:)
definitivamente lectora no querria ver a Cecil en mucjo tiempo.
llendo de lleno con la relación, como puedes ver, Mark no se anda con juegos cuando se trata de lectora.
novio protector.
no le importa que lectora técnicamente no pueda morir fácilmente o que pueda regeneraese de forma exagerada, EL NO ESTA PERMITIENDO ESO.
Mark definitivamente disfrutaria mucho de ser un total mimoso con lectora, ambos lo son, pero Mark esta hambriento de tacto a un nivel casi ridículo.
muchos abrazos(plus si lectora es mas baja que Mark)
lectora probablemente no quiera nada que ver con el mundo de los superhéroes después de todo lo que le paso, y Mark esta bien con eso, pero no creo que este en contra de cosas como la medicina o similares.
aun si Mark es el mas obviamente protector, no dudes que lectora podria patearte el trasero(talvez) si pudiera. o al menos darle a Mark una forma de hacerlo.
me gusta pensar que si bien lectora odia sacarse sangre, definitivamente ella sacaria una gran cantidad si Mark esta en situation critica.
a su vez, Mark siemore pone como primera prioridad asegurar a lectora de los peligros inminentes.
Mark definitivamente le gusta ver a lectora jugando con Oliver cuando todavia es un bebe, es demaciado tierno (¿talvez le gusta imaginar como seria lectora con su propio hijo? ¿que?)
salir a volar es especialmente lindo con estos dos, lectora no habla mucho cuando lo hacen, pero es porque queda super maravillada con el cielo que Mark muchas veces no se contiene y le aprieta la cara.
tambien eso, Mark puede, debe, y le apretara los cachetes a lectora, no ouede evitarlo.
es eso o morderle la cara(ouch).
novio orgulloso que usa cualquier regalo que su novia le da, no importa que tan "femenino" sea(como un abrigo rosa).
¿viste que Yui puede tocar el piano en los juegos? probablemente lectora también! y definitivamente es bastante buena en eso, Mark se acostumbro bastante rapido a las piezas de piano en la casa(incluso las tararea lol).
sobra decirlo, pero si alguno de los científicos que le hizo daño a lectora Sigue por ahi ....no lo hara por mucho tiempo mas..
Debbie quiere una yerna, no dire mas.
EL AMA cargar a lectora como princesa, es simplemente tan linda y amigable y pequeña y quiere cuidarla y🥺🥺🥺
en general, es un par muy adorable, si bien podrian tener algunas luchas entre la vida civil y la heroica, definitivamente lectora tiene la destreza mental para poder vivir con eso y hacer que la relación funcione.
lectora es la persona mas fuerte que Mark haya conocido:3
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eufezco · 7 months ago
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𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝙎 : fezco, nate jacobs, jules vaughn
♡️ fluff ☆ angst ☽ smut
english isn't my first language !!!
my other masterlists ✨
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NEW DRESS | ☽ x plus size!reader
you're feeling insecure about how your body looks in your new dress so he shows you how much he likes it before you leave.
you go shopping with him and stop at a lingerie store. you try some sets and he ends up into the dressing room with you.
your lovely night with him gets interrupted when rue knocks on his door looking for drugs.
NOT YET | ♡️ ☽
he won't touch you, not yet, not until you've finished high school.
you're at a party with your friends and you've drank too much. fezco takes you home and takes care of you.
OUT OF THE WOODS | ♡️ ☆ x jacobs!reader
after a fight with your dad, cal jacobs, and your brother, nate, you text fez to come and save you from your disastrous household.
nate finds your dildo and he's not happy about it. why do you need something like that when you have him?
at a party at nate's place, you meet the new girl in town when she has to face him.
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i-am-not-dal · 14 days ago
Skater Boy Chapter 1
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Pairing: Skater! Student! Beomgyu x Student! Reader
Author's Note: This was supposed to be just a story for Beomgyu's birthday, but again my friend told me it had potential so here it is ; ) I hope you like it, give it a like and I'll update it.
Warnings: 80s au!, High School au!, bad writing, love at first sight?, skater beomgyu, first meet, txt members mentioned
Word Count: 1.0k
El 17 de julio de 1986, mi vida estaba tranquila, marcada por la rutina de unos exámenes semestrales que acababa de terminar. Las tardes de verano se deslizaban con calma, y por un momento, todo parecía tan perfecto y familiar. Mis días transcurrían entre el colegio, mis amigos y los rincones conocidos de Jeju, la ciudad que había sido mi hogar durante toda mi vida. No podía imaginarme un futuro fuera de allí; Jeju era el refugio que me había dado un aire fresco de libertad, y cada rincón tenía una historia que contaba un poco de mí.
Los fines de semana, cuando las calles de la ciudad despertaban con vida, me aventuraba a explorar sus pequeños secretos: cafés ocultos entre callejones, parques solitarios donde solo los más curiosos se detenían a disfrutar de la naturaleza. Jeju era un lugar que, para mí, tenía una magia especial; cada rincón me era tan familiar que me sentía invencible, como si todo el mundo fuera mío. Pero esa sensación de confort y pertenencia se desmoronó de manera abrupta el día que mis padres me dieron una noticia que cambiaría el rumbo de mi vida: nos mudábamos a Daegu.
Aunque mis padres intentaron consolarme, asegurándome que Daegu sería una ciudad llena de oportunidades, yo no podía dejar de pensar en todo lo que dejaba atrás. Para mí, no era un nuevo comienzo, sino el cierre de una etapa, el fin de una era que me había dado paz y estabilidad. El pensamiento de dejar Jeju, mis amigos, los lugares que conocía como la palma de mi mano, y todo lo que me hacía sentirme segura, me llenó de una tristeza profunda.
El primer día en Daegu, después de la mudanza, me sentí completamente perdida. La ciudad era bulliciosa y vibrante, pero en mi corazón solo sentía vacío. No encontraba consuelo en ningún lugar, por lo que decidí salir a caminar, buscando algo que me ayudara a procesar todo lo que había pasado. Fue entonces cuando, entre las sombras de los árboles en un parque cercano, escuché algo que captó mi atención: el ruido de las tablas de skate golpeando el concreto.
Al principio, me molestó. Ese sonido constante me recordaba lo diferente que era este lugar, lo ajeno que se sentía todo. Pero luego, al observar a los chicos que patinaban con tanta destreza, algo comenzó a despertar dentro de mí. Sus movimientos eran tan fluidos, tan naturales, que me quedé allí, observándolos con fascinación. Parecía que cada salto, cada giro, era una expresión de libertad, una forma de desconectar de todo lo que los rodeaba, y me sentí atraída por esa energía.
Y entonces lo vi. Un chico con el cabello castaño, con mechas amarillas que caían sobre su frente, un corte de pelo que le daba un aire despreocupado pero elegante. Su estilo al patinar era impecable, como si la tabla y él fueran una misma cosa. Se deslizaba por el concreto con una gracia y rapidez que me dejaban sin aliento, y cada movimiento parecía tan fácil, aunque sabía que no lo era. Observé cada uno de sus saltos y giros, sin darme cuenta de que el tiempo pasaba volando, hasta que una voz me sacó de mi trance: “¡Beomgyu, estúpido, te buscan!”
Beomgyu. Ese nombre quedó resonando en mi cabeza mucho después de que se despidiera y se alejara con sus amigos. Regresé a casa, pero algo en su presencia, en esa energía que emanaba mientras patinaba, se quedó conmigo durante el resto del día. Esa sensación de curiosidad, ese impulso por conocer más, por entender a qué se debía su confianza, no me dejó en paz.
Al día siguiente, sin pensarlo demasiado, decidí regresar al parque. No tenía ningún plan más allá de sentarme en una banca y observar. Algo en ese lugar, en esos chicos, me decía que podría encontrar una forma de hacerme sentir un poco más conectada con este nuevo mundo. Pasé la mayor parte del día allí, entre risas y bromas, mirando cómo se desarrollaba la vida de aquellos chicos que parecían tan seguros de sí mismos. “¡Idiota! ¡Hazlo bien, no es tan difícil!” “¡Yeonjun, deja de pensar en chicas y concéntrate!” “¡Soobin, apúrate!” Poco a poco, los nombres de los chicos empezaron a familiarizarse: Soobin, Yeonjun, Taehyun, Heuningkai, y Beomgyu. Era como si, de alguna manera, cada uno de ellos estuviera dejando una huella en mi nuevo día a día.
Pasaron varias horas y, mientras yo seguía observando en silencio, uno de ellos se acercó. Era Taehyun, un chico con ojos grandes y expresivos, que parecía ser el más tranquilo del grupo, pero también el más atento. “Oye, ¿estás bien o algo? Has estado ahí todo el día.” Su voz me sorprendió, y me sonrojé un poco. No esperaba que alguien se diera cuenta de mi presencia de esa manera.
“Sí… solo observando,” respondí, tratando de sonar natural, aunque mi voz tembló un poco.
Taehyun me miró con una sonrisa amigable, como si realmente quisiera entender por qué estaba allí. “Si quieres, puedes unirte a nosotros. A veces patinamos solo por diversión. No tienes que quedarte mirando todo el tiempo.”
Su invitación me sorprendió, pero, al mismo tiempo, una chispa de curiosidad se encendió en mí. Tal vez esta era una oportunidad para sentirme menos perdida en este lugar extraño. Aunque dudé por un momento, la idea de probar algo nuevo, de enfrentarme a este cambio que tanto temía, me animó. “No sé patinar,” admití, con una risa nerviosa.
“No importa,” dijo Taehyun con una sonrisa tranquila. “Aquí todos empezamos sin saber. Ven, te enseñamos lo básico.”
Así fue como pasó el resto del día. Mientras observaba a los chicos patinar, me di cuenta de que este parque, este grupo de jóvenes, podrían ser el principio de una nueva historia en mi vida. Quién sabe, tal vez sería el inicio de una buena amistad. Jamás imaginé que mi curiosidad me llevaría tan cerca de Beomgyu, el chico que, en un instante, se había convertido en un enigma que quería resolver. Siempre me había costado acercarme a los chicos, y menos aún cuando se trataba de alguien que me intrigaba tanto. Pero, tal vez, ahora las cosas serían diferentes. Tal vez este cambio que tanto temía podía ser la oportunidad para algo nuevo, algo inesperado. Y, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, me sentí un poco menos sola.
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vivicts · 2 years ago
Request List
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Fandoms i write for:
One Piece
Genshin Impact
Vinland Saga
Demon Slayer
One Punch Man
Death Note
Star Wars
Jujutsu Kaisen
Record of Ragnarok
Violet Evergardeen
Hazbin Hotel
The Boys
Avatar/The Way of Water
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Genders i write:
Any kind of Smut
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Writing styles:
Basic litterature
i'm still improving my english so this is what i can do at the moment.
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OC headcanon
OC x character
Character x Character
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Types of stories i do:
Fanfiction/Imagines (y/n, readers)
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Extra notes:
I haven't written for a long time, and it's my first time writing (publicly, like fanfics and things like that) in English, so there might be some spelling mistakes and a delay in posting here, but I promise to get better as soon as possible.
I'll probably post some fanfic and headcanon ideas from time to time so don't be surprised if that happens.
This list will be uploaded over time Thank you for the attention :)
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banngtannies · 3 years ago
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— Pairing: Yandere!vminkook x Female! Reader
— Genre: Mafia au, Yandere
— Summary: Love hurts, it causes anger, jealousy, obsession, why don’t you love me back?
They will do anything to keep you by their side.
— Word count: 3.5K
— Tags/ warnings:  YANDERE THEMES, obsessive behavior, manipulative behavior, talks about murder, self-arm, toxic relationships, manipulation, cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of past bullying in future chapters.
Notes: This is my first time publishing my work. i have never been able to finish something but i finished this one month ago and i’ve been so insecure to post it soooo. i heard it’s good to post something even though you feel like it’s not good enough just to improve in someway! I already have planned the next drabbles. the timeline will jump back and forth and i’m really excited to write the next following parts. Also english is not my first language so please bare with me (but also let me know if you see any mistakes😭) if anyone reads this i hope you enjoy it!
You tried to not think about it too much. You tried, as your parents delivered the news, as you saw your sister’s face, the way it started to glow. You try not to think about it too much now, when you see her walking down the aisle, your father carrying her towards her future husband, a proud smile adorning his features.
Your father looks euphoric, invencible. Carries himself like he owns the world. He looks too happy, too happy for someone who just buried his daughter’s future. He ruined her life.
Momentarily, just for a second, you imagine what would happen if you stopped everything. Maybe make a quick distraction, take the gun out of one of the bodyguards, pretend you will shoot yourself or anyone at the wedding if they dare to not let your sister go. Such a morbid thought, maybe if you were brave enough you would stop this. You would’ve planned something, anything, to get your sister out of this situation but you don’t.
You were scared, a coward. But also the mafia was bigger than you. The Jeon’s were bigger than the mafia. and who would dare to go against them? not certainly you.
You feel something wet on your cheeks, pretty sure it was tears, they were already blurring your vision and fogging up your glasses. Your mother lets out a scoff.
“I told you to wear contacts.” but you don’t reply. You don’t even look at her, you keep your eyes on your sister, her shiny long black hair cascading down her back. “Get a hold of yourself. People are watching” she whispers harshly against your ear.
Biting your tongue, you nod.
When your sister gets to the altar, you dig your nails into your skin, your chin bobbling a little. Suddenly you feel an arm graze yours, from the corner of your eye you can see it’s SunHee.
Your one and only friend.
“It’s gonna be alright.” she takes your hand, giving it a squeeze. Your hand trembles against hers. “It’s gonna be okay.”
You let out a breath and swallow the pathetic cry that wants to rip out of your throat.
“Trust me.” she says this time more sternly “Everything will be fine.”
You bob your head and look ahead once again. And as the pastor starts speaking, and seconds turn into hours you realize it’s over. The veil has been lifted.
“Now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Your sister has been kissed by the devil. There’s no turning back now.
The chattering around you is not big enough to drown your own thoughts. Neither is the champagne that is being passed around. You’re on your second glass on an empty stomach, you’re pretty sure by now you should be fine. Less worried, less anxious. But no, you still feel like a ticking bomb, anxiety crawling all the way up to your chest. You’ve been taking deep breaths ever since you and your family arrived at the wedding reception, tugging the ends of your dress.
You haven’t been able to talk to your sister and you don’t think you will anytime soon. Your mother has been making sure you don’t cross paths with her and if you do, it’s quick glances. Your mother has been glued by your side. You can feel her eyes from the other side of the room, watching you like a hawk.
As another waitress passes by, you extend your hand to take another glass but the tray is pushed out of your way. You recognize those hands.
“I think that’s enough for tonight.” A deep voice says, making you shiver. “Don't serve more to her. Tell that to the others too.”
The waitress nods cordially and continues his way to the other guests.
“Y/N.” The way your name rolls out of his tongue, makes you grimace. You never liked it. It held a distinctive tone, as if talking to a child.
He shifts closer to you. His body heat enfolding yours, you could smell his perfume.
“Are you okay?” he says softly, almost in a murmur.
“Do you want to-
You turn your body to him, facing him fully. It caughts him off guard, making him stop on whatever he was about to say.
“Please don’t pretend you care.” and with that you leave, on trembling legs and heavy tears, threatening to spill out from your eyes.
Could this night get any fucking worse?
Making your way to the bathroom, you see another waitress coming from the left and without any much thought you take it from his hand, almost making the man fall on his back.
“S-Sorry.” You whisper dumbly, gripping the tray as if it was some sort of support and continue your way to the bathroom.
You breathe in relief once you see there’s no one there. Putting the tray full of glasses of champagne on the sink, you take two glasses as you settle yourself down on the floor. You drink one instantly, hiccuping after another one.
Your head starts to feel a little fuzzy but you don’t stop, not until there’s only three left and the bright bathroom lights seem brighter than before. You let out a giggle.
Standing up on wobbly legs, you wonder how much time has passed. Maybe not so much, since no one has bothered to get into the bathroom after you got in. Making your way to the door, you struggle to open it, making you frown.
“Stupid door open up.” you mumble while you twist and pull but nothing happens. You keep trying and trying until a silky voice halts your movements.
Your chest feels heavy, like all the air has been sucked out of your lungs and suddenly you feel like throwing up.
“Sunflower?” he hums, making the hairs on your arms stand up, goosebumps covering your skin in seconds. “Are you in trouble,sunflower? do you need my help?”
You stumble back, almost falling on your ass. You feel cold and sweaty. Like needles are penetrating your skin. The handle starts to jiggle.
“Sunflower, i know you’re in there. But don’t worry, darling, i will get you out.”
The handle twists painfully slow as your heart sinks in your chest. Taking a step back this time you do fall. Just in time as he opens the door, his sardonic smile greeting you.
He closes the door behind him and you hear a click.
The sound of his chelsea boots hitting the marble floor matches the beating of your heart. You’re trembling and all the champagne you’ve drank threatens to spill out of your throat. Soft hands get a hold of your chin, his thumb tentatively running down your throat. You let out a whimper.
“My my, look at you, sunflower. Did you have too much fun?” He giggles sweetly, showing his pearly white teeth and moon eye smile.
To any other person Park jimin was the charming prince, a soft voice with gentle features. He looked so innocent. But for those who belonged in this life knew that looks could be deceiving. He was deadly as he was sweet.
Your lips tremble and you try to get away from his hands but he holds you firmly. His eyes hardening as you try to put some distance between you two.
“Always so stubborn. Do we have to tell every single waiter out there to not serve you alcohol or are you finally gonna behave like the good girl you are?” His thumb presses down harshly on your neck and you wonder if he can feel how fast your heart is beating.
You swallow, your throat feeling dry and rather than answering him, you look at him. You know he’s not done, with the way he’s staring at you, his dark eyes almost burning yours.
“You’re lucky I was the one who found you here and not him. You know that right?” His jaw tenses while he speaks, his plump lips now formed into a thin line. He’s pissed. “Nod if you understand”
And you do, automatically, like a robot.
“Now, sunflower, you’re gonna clean yourself up.” you nod again and the ends of his mouth quirk at that. “You will go out and smile. Maybe laugh a little too. It’s your sister’s wedding, darling. Cheer up. It’s supposed to be fun.”
You shiver at his latest words and you almost tremble. You try to not let it show. How his wording of choice affected you, how you physically revolted at them. But Jimin sees right through you. He always did.
He smiles once again, his fingers gently caressing your face.
“Always so pretty when you cry.” He murmurs softly, his gaze focusing on your face and then it goes lower, stopping at your lips.“See you out there, sunflower. Don’t forget you still owe me a dance.” and with that he leaves.
You drank too much. You regret it deeply and now you’re sleepy. Your eyes threaten to close every five minutes, it’s annoying really, trying to keep yourself awake. You have to pinch yourself or dig your nails into your skin, maybe a little pain will wake you up. So you do, you pinch and dig until there’s a red spot on your arm, until it burns.
You don’t stop until you see Sunhee coming your way, her arm entangled with Taehyung's. You stiffen a little.
“You need a bed, immediately.” Says your friend sweetly while she runs her hand through your hair.
She looks at you with so much pity. And you hate it. You know Sunhee truly cares about you, too much, sometimes you feel like a burden. Always by your side, always wiping your tears, always defending you. Sunhee deserved a friend, not someone who needed to be babysat.
She continues to touch you, patting your head lovingly and you don’t miss the way Taehyung eyes her hand, dark orbs observing every movement, the way his hand tightens on her waist, making her stumble back a little, her hand no longer close to reach you.
“You’re messing up her hair, honey. You don’t want Y/N’s head to end up looking like a bird nest, do you?” he tells her with a playful smile, making Sunhee laugh.
She pokes him on the stomach funnily, making him laugh too, but to your ears it doesn’t sound as truthful.
“You’re right, you’re right. Sorry Y/nie.” She says with a cheeky smile and then proceeds to peck her boyfriend’s lips. “I’m gonna get more wine. Do you want some?” Taehyung declines and then Sunhee Looks at you. “Y/N?”
Once again you feel those eyes on you. They’re so heavy. so intense that it makes you breathless. You shake your head and Sunhee nods. “Alright. i’ll be right back.”
When Sunhee leaves, the room feels smaller. Suffocating . You wish you could disappear, you wish you could be invisible. You just wanted to be left alone. Before you knew it, that same perfume invades your senses. He’s so close but you don’t dare to look up.
“Look at me.”
And even though his deep voice gives you goosebumps, you ignore him. You’re tired. So tired.
“The night just stared, YN. don’t be so sulky. I hate seeing you like this” He continues to say, his hand now on your arm and you hate it so much. You hate his body touching yours or the way he talks like he cares, like he’s being sincere. “This is a new beginning for us. For all of us.”
This time you look up, slowly. A small mocking smile adorning your lips.
“There is no us.”
And he mirrors you, his eyes now demonstrating a shine they didn’t have before. He loves your eyes matching his, his heat engulfing yours, the way you talk to him even though it irradiates with dislike. He loves it.
“But there is. There is for me, for Jimin and for him. It has always been an us, and there always will be.”
You press your lips in a tight line. You won’t cry again, not in front of him or them watching.
“Why are you doing this? I thought you were different.” and even though you don’t let your tears fall your voice cracks, betraying you.
He seems taken back for a few seconds, and you swore you could see something else in his eyes besides mirth. But it’s gone as quick as you perceive it.
“I told you I will always be by your side. Didn’t I?”
And before you can reply, Sunhee comes back, drink in her hand and the other around her boyfriend’s neck.
“What are you two talking about? Are you gossiping without me?”
Taehyung eyes you briefly before looking back at his girlfriend, giving her one his usual seductive boxy smiles. He shakes his head and says. “Not at all. Just movies, love.”
Your feet hurt when you go back to the hotel for standing up so much, you’re glad the night is over. Your mother complains beside you, talking about how you didn’t even dare to look at your sister while she was dancing with her now-husband. How disrespectful you were for denying Jimin a dance.
“I didn’t raise you for you to have such poor manners. This is why you’ll never get married, you’re ungrateful and a brat. No one wants to marry a brat.” She barks and huffs but you’re too tired to care.
Also, you’re used to it.
“I’m sorry, mother.”
“You better be.” she spits back and walks ahead of you.
You sigh, your feet hurt so much, this is why you avoid wearing heels. You will never get used to them or the pain that comes with it. You plop yourself down in one of the stool bars located in the lobby, from your peripheral vision you could see your mother getting on the elevator. She didn’t wait for you. Good. You didn’t want to hear anything else that came out of her mouth and also you needed to rest. Just for a few seconds.
Your phone vibrates and you see it’s a message from Sunhee.
did you guys get to the hotel??
yess. we arrived safely.
Good. see you tomorrow y/nie. sleep well!!
you too. love youuu.
love you toooooooo.
You smile at her text. What would you do without Sunhee? clicking out of the chat, your heart drops when you see your other unread messages. You don’t dare to reply. He’s muted for a reason and it will stay that way.
You decide to open youtube to distract yourself, letting your head fall on the bar counter. You blink slowly, once, twice, thrice and before you knew it, your breathing got slower and so did your racing heart. You let the darkness overtake you.
You fall asleep.
And it feels great, until you feel it. Calloused hands tenderly touching your face, it makes you gasp. And if it wasn’t for the hands that were previously caressing your face, you probably would’ve fell off the chair. Those hands that feel scorching hot on your waist, confining you side by side.
It’s terrifying the visceral reaction your body has when you feel him, when you see him. The exposed toned chest, the tattooed neck adorned with chains, you know him so well.
All those years and you’ll never get used to it. His touch.
The muscles on his arms seem to tense when you tighten your grip on him. You were starting to shake like a leaf and all it took you was to look up at the devil. He smiles at you and you can’t help but look down. That indisticve mole of his, right under his bottom lip and newly done piercing seem to greet you. He licks them, as if inviting you to get closer.
Time feels like it has stopped and your breathing shortens when he cuts the distance between you two even more. His chest touching yours. Your entire body seems to be overcomed by electricity.
“Angel eyes.” He murmurs, dark big eyes pinning you down, his hands now on your hips, his thumbs going in painfully slow circular motions. You could almost feel his eyelashes grazing your cheeks. It makes you visibly gulp. “Why weren’t you replying to my texts, hmm?”
He stares at you deeply, as if he’s ready to pounce on you. It makes the hairs on your neck stand up, you don’t like it at all. When he looks at you that way, as if he’s ready to devour you whole.
At the lack of your response he hums, inspecting your face while he plays with his lip ring. His big hand is now holding your face by your chin. He smiles once again, showing a perfect set of white teeth. He looks delighted.
“Why are you so quiet? won’t you congratulate me?” His voice displays excitement while his thumbs trace your lips.
The rings on his finger feel cold against your skin and you wish you could get away from him.
“To be honest, I'm quiet worried about you. You look a little troubled, angel eyes. What’s going on inside that little pretty head of yours? Come on, you can talk to me. After all, we’re like family now.”
Your jaw clenches at his words and your stomach churns in disgust. God, you really wanna throw up.
“We-We’re not family. You will never-
His thumb on your lips silences you completely. His breath now tickling your right cheek makes you itch all over. You feel his mouth close to your ear.
“And thank fucking god for that. It would be terrible if you were. Don’t you think so, angel eyes? cant go around wanting to fuck a family member. ” he says lowly and then his tongue travels from your neck all the way up to your lobe, leaving a wet trail and you can’t help let out a yelp, immediately pushing him away with all the strength you could muster.
Jungkook's eyes widen comically and so does his eyebrows. He lets out a hearty laugh.
“You never fail to make me laugh. You’re so fucking adorable, angel eyes, i wish i could i keep you next to me all times.”
“You’re sick.” You spit.
“That 's no way to talk to your brother-in-law. What would your mother think? her daughter and that nasty mouth of hers. Luckily I won't tell a soul.” He croons mirthfully, sporting his go-to sardonic smile. One you know so well. The one that has been haunting you for the past ten years, even in your dreams you couldn’t get away from him.
Your hands form into a fist and you’re pretty sure you’re shaking but not from fear but from rage this time. You hate him so much. You hated him so much that you fantasized about killing him. Nothing would bring you more pleasure than seeing him gone from your life, from your sister’s. Forever.
“I’m good at keeping secrets, remember?” he continues, getting closer to you once again. Feline eyes almost cutting through yours. “That’s why we get along so well, don’t we? sometimes I think that’s why you and I-
You stand up abruptly.
“Shut. up.”
He holds a finger to his chin, as if he’s actually thinking about it.
“I can find a few ways to do so but I would need your help.” He says tauntingly. The ends of his mouth twitching slightly. “Ever heard of face-sitting, angel eyes?”
And before you know it you lunge at him, your fist colliding with his chest. And you feel pathetic instantly . Your small moment of bravery dying as soon as you touch him. Jungkook is so much stronger than you. Any attempt of physical harm from you feels like a faint tickle to him.
A laugh bubbles out of his chest. It makes your ears ring, because it sounds so real, as if it’s coming from a child. But wasn’t that really Jungkook? A child in a man’s body.
What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.
What he wants, he gets. Always throwing a fit when things didn’t go his way, punching things, smashing things, killing things. Your mother talked about brats but she has never met one like Jungkook.
The vibrations coming out of his chest while he still laughs at you made you realize this: he was truly enjoying this. You will always be his source of laughter, something he could toy with, make fun of, pick at it and then later on ridicule.
He hugs you, after he pins your arms down, his chin resting on your shoulder. You feel him inhaling the scent of your hair.
“My sweet angel, this is just the beginning for us. For all of us.” You don’t know when you start crying, maybe when he snuggles into you even more, when you realize this is your reality now. There’s no way to escape. maybe there never was. You’re trashing against him, but he holds you tightly.
He will never let you go.
None of them will.
“We told you we will always be by your side, didn’t we? We will keep you forever.”
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ultrastarbee · 3 years ago
Mikasa-like girlfriend
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Title: Mikasa-like girlfriend Request: yes Couple: Baji x fem!reader, Mikey x fem!reader, Draken x fem!reader, Kazutora x fem!reader, Izana x fem!reader, Shinichiro x fem!reader, Wakasa x fem!reader Category: fluffy Content Warning:  Word Count: 718 Summary: headcannons about a Mikasa-like reader and some boys A/N: I haven't watched AoT, but Mikasa is really popular and you were pretty clear, so I tried my best! Hope it's good enough
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You and Baji are a menace together. This hot headed boy loves to fight and is good at it. He doesn't need help, but knows you got his back anytime
And this is a life hazard for his enemies. You got his back no matter what
And you are strong. Baji loves it. He loves watching your back as you beat someone up. The way the muscles move as your enemy begs for you to stop
When he fixes your scarf Baji makes a knot so he is sure it won't fly away anytime soon
Baji is precious and you will protect him no matter what. No matter agains who. And this is dangerous.
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Mikey thinks you are just like the other girls till you try to break Takemitcchi's arm for touching Mikey
After that he is thrilled, but won't treat you different. You are still his girlfriend and he will not let you get hurt fighting for him
You can't tell me Mikey isn't absolutely in love with your thighs. He can rest his head on them while knowing they are able to smash a watermelon
If you end up on a fight alongside him Mikey will not worry because he knows you can take anyone down, but he ends up keeping himself close to you
Mikey has his own safety blaket, so he understands how much your scarf means to you. He is honored knowing the scarf was a present from him
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Draken knows you can protect yourself, but will never put you on a fight if he can avoid it
He is the one who tries to protect you, so you two end up protecting one another in a lovely and powerful way
Draken likes your arms. He is a strong one himself, but feeling your arms around him sure is from another world
We know he is very careful, so he is very careful when touching your scarf. He ties making a cute bow.
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Kazutora loves it. He loves you being so strong and he loves how protective you are towards him
This boy will engage on risky fights just to see you beating someone to protect him
He also will do it as a test to see if you are really loyal
Kazutora likes to keep you close to him, sometimes even sharing your scarf
As about your body Kazutora wants to touch you every time. He likes to know you are there and that you will stay with him.
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You are stronger than him, Shin knows that and is kinda into it.
Shinichiro knows you can be as strong as his gang friends and he absolutelly drools over your abs
He is a great leader and with you by his side Black Dragons is invencible. You can protect him from any attack
Even though he is prideful about having someone as strong as you as his girlfriend Shinichiro worries about your well being
Shinichiro always makes suro to wrap you on your scarf. He knows you love it since it was a present from himself and he think it's cute how much you like it
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Much like Kazutora Izana loves your strenght, but is not so showy about it. He will not risk having you stolen by anyone
Or hurt. Izana can't bear the idea of you getting hurt protecting him, so he makes sure you always walk behind him
You like that. Walking behind Izawa allows you to protect his back from any attacks.
Izana likes to fix your scarf to leave two long tips in case he needs to pull you closer for a kiss
He's pretty chill when you are around, but as soon as someone threat his life you are on alert watching every step of said someone
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He isn't so thrilled by fighting and you enjoy it. It's way better this way
Even though he is capable of dealing with enemies himself you are always up to beat anyone who tries to hurt him
Wakasa is flattered. He sure has some enemies who can catch him down guard and with you by his side thing are easier
As about your scarf Wakasa avoids touching it too much, but he will gladly wrap you on it or fix it if needed
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sugaxjpg · 7 years ago
underground king; m
⤷ Eventually you came to the realization that, if Namjoon was the king of the underground, you were as close as he would ever get to a queen.
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✓ Couple: Namjoon x Reader | Boxer!AU and Gang!AU
✓ Filed under: smut, minor angst
✓ Look out for: violence, light daddy kink
✓ Words: 13,411
Author’s Note: guess who’s back, back again... guess who just edited this fic into the seven heavens and added about 6k more? das right
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“Come on, (y/n), you won’t regret it!”
Hovering like a feather over your head, Yoongi’s proposal gradually fell into your consciousness. Quicker than you expected, the shadow of a frown was casted over your features and you found yourself rolling your eyes at his words, frustrated at his mindless insistence — what was that? The seventh or eighth attempt at convincing you throughout the last hour? Your patience was running thin.
Falling from in between your lips like poison, the bitterness of your response was enough for his mocking smile to wilther into seriousness, “How many times do I have to tell you?” you asked him, folding a particular shirt with more brutality than humanly necessary. The laundry room was already claustrophobic as it was, you did not need your friend pushing you against a corner and miserably failing to reach his goal.  “I don’t want to get involved in your illicit practices, Yoongi.”
An ironical chuckle exploded on his lips as your answer found him, his sentence already hanging at the tip of his roseate tongue, “Do you prefer to spend your sad Friday night being alone in your sad, lonely house?” he questioned, sarcastic. You nodded instantaneously, making him look you up and down — underneath the cool, flickering luminescence of the laundry room, his hesitant eyes scrutinized your rash, stubborn expression with care. “Folding clothes? Really?”
Your confirmation came as you folded the last piece of clothing — an orange shirt you swore you had thrown out already — and placed it on the large basket by your side, “Really,” you told him, picking the object up and walking towards the open door. You could no longer endure neither the smell of lavender detergent, nor the irritating irony from your companion’s part. Yoongi was your best friend, fair enough, but it was at times like those that you regretted one day giving him the keys to your small apartment. “Why do you care, anyways?”
Nevertheless, you were already aware of the response that would be given to you. Ever since you ex boyfriend had dumped you — about five months ago, in a rather overdramatic public display, if you could say so yourself — you had closed yourself off to the rest of the world, choosing to spend your time in the comfortable warmth and peace of your small place. As much as Yoongi begged to say otherwise, your behavior had not been catalyzed by a broken heart — though, at first, it had been... a bit — but because your ex was one of the few people who could drag you out of your den and remind you of what the sunshine looks like.
The other person was Yoongi and, let’s face it, he was not doing a very good job at it.
Subsequent to the instant you left the laundry room, your friend took the opportunity and shot an infamous question your way, “When was the last time you had sex?” His voice came with a sarcastic tone that made rage bubble within the walls of your stomach, inducing your grip to grow tighter around the basket. You ignored the way his steps sounded against the wooden floor, following you close behind as you approached the staircase that would lead you to your room, “C'mon, (y/n), I worry about your health!” he spoke out again.
Without looking at him, you climbed up the steps, bare feet coming in contact with the cold, dark wood. There was absolutely nothing on this planet that would change your mind, especially not when it came to your sex life, “You’re being ridiculous, Yoongi!” you shot back at him, completely disregarding his misplaced inquiry.
“And you’re avoiding me,” the man chuckled, almost running to catch up on you. For a second, you considered throwing the basket at him and hoping that falling down the stairs would finally shut him up, at least for a couple of seconds, “besides, there’s a certain someone that I’m sure will love to see you again. And he’ll be very… disappointed if you don’t show up to his little show.” he made sure to add, certain that his claims would be sufficient to awaken some sort of interest within your chest.
Well, he was not precisely mistaken in regards to that. Upon hearing the message that hid between the lines of his speech, your muscles froze up in place, eyes growing wide underneath the weight that decision carried. Shortly after, you heard Yoongi stopping behind you, positive that the smirk that ornamented his features had been perfectly created to set your fury aflame — or panic, depending on which tide of emotion you would rather focus on.
Closing your eyes in a hopeless attempt at tranquilizing your quick-beating pulse, you took a deep breath, fingers loosening up around the handles you had gripped so hard on, “You fucking did not…” you started, measuring your words. Calm down — you mentally told yourself;  a silent mantra or a faithless prayer — do not lose your cool, do not give this kid the satisfaction of getting under your skin.
But, of course, Yoongi was already drowning in seas upon seas of inner satisfaction. As much as you attempted to camouflage it, your friend was extremely aware of how deeply the mention of that peculiar person struck you, “Yeah... I kinda did,” he said. You could hear it in his voice: the bastard was laughing at your distress, and he was not even ashamed of it. “(y/n), you saw it coming, don’t even pretend otherwise.”
The mention of that “certain someone” had been a constant plague in your life. Even if the last time you encountered such persona was a bit over a couple months ago, the pallid phantasm of his presence appeared to corner you constantly, that being in casual conversations or important news reports. Furthermore, Yoongi could not shut his mouth about him ever since your boyfriend had dumped you, so you were well aware of the desires that hid in the background of those proposals. You did not exactly hate it, if you were to be utterly sincere. You did not hate him.
Oh yes, the almighty Underground King — where to begin? The young boxer had the subterranean town at the palm of his hand at the impressive age of twenty-three, expanding his power with every new victory, spreading a pestilent mixture of trepidation and respect wherever he went to. He was a flawless leader, a flawless criminal and, above it all, a flawless, invencible fighter — both in and out of the arena. Rumor has it that his control over the lower city was so gargantuan, in fact, that even the police had decided to turn a blind eye at his deviances, a silent agreement that, as long as he kept those acts underneath the asphalt, there was nothing for them to do. The laws were different under there, anyways.
If that was not sufficient, your best friend — you had absolutely no idea how — had managed to get close to the infamous Kim Namjoon, and he endowed the man as if he was the very own reincarnation of the Lord. As much as you would never admit it to yourself, you could comprehend the reason why he looked up at him with those dreamy, child-like eyes: there was not one person in the whole town, upper or lower, who had not heard of Namjoon and what supposedly happened to the ones who crossed his path. Approving his lifestyle or not, you had to say he was threateningly good at it.
Trapping you in an irritating and repetitive symphony of bargains, Yoongi begged for you to give him a chance and, at some point, it came to your attention that Namjoon was very interested in getting to know you. Mayhaps you were simply curious or there was some sort of desire hidden in your uneasy position, but it finally came the time that you gave into the stranger’s charms — one mistake in a drunken night being enough for Yoongi to never let you forget its occurence. But of course, as much as you tried your very best not to judge people, a boxer; gang leader; and drug lord was where you drew the line.
It would not happen again. You would make sure of it.
Back to your position, a long sigh erupted from in between your dry lips, setting your pulse to follow the arrhythmic progression of your panic. “Tell me you did not—”
His words sounded like a judge’s hammer deciding your fate, “—I told him that you would be there, yeah,” Yoongi interrupted, rising to the same step as you. From where you were, you could see the door to your room wide open, and you mentally measured the chances of locking yourself there before your friend could catch up on you. Before you could do that, however, Yoongi’s arm was already wrapped around your shoulders, leaning your head against his. “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll love to see you again.”
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“Who the fuck calls themselves ‘Monster’, anyways?” You asked with a dose of sarcasm, pressing down the leather jacket against your shivering figure. Internally, you cursed Yoongi for convincing you to wear that short white dress: it was so tight you could barely breathe, and now your legs had basically turned into stalactites against the hyperborean breezes of night.
For an instant, your question was all that echoed through the streets, at first meeting no answer. All around the two of you, traffic lights  and prismatic signs spoke in morse code, guiding you towards your destination — your only company being their dim, flickering lambency, and the quick progression of your shoes against the gelid asphalt. Few were the ones brave enough to adventure to those corners of the city, for all they would discover would be the entrances to the underground.
Yoongi only laughed at your inquiry, his skin ever so beautifully delineated by the neon signs that embellished the twilight-bathed street. He seemed much younger then, even if for a second, “You’ll see why that’s his nickname. The guy is a champion for a reason.” was all that he told you.
As simply as that, something switched within the corners of your cloudy contemplations. Like a punch in the stomach from an unseen enemy, the ponderousness of reality fell down upon you — gradually, then at once, making you stop dead in your tracks, “Yoongi, wait.” you called out, unsure if your voice had left your chest for a second.
Slightly taken off guard, your friend paused, then turned to you with arched eyebrows, “You good?” he questioned.
You licked your lips, promptly meeting the strawberry taste of your lipstick, “It's just that I’ve never been down before, I’m a little nervous,” you spoke honestly, yet avoided eye contact — were you embarrassed? There was no reason for it — and instead paid attention to the yellow light coming from the semaphore behind his silhouette. With your peripheral vision, you could see the boy watching you closely, expectant even. “I don’t even know what to expect, I don't know how to behave. I don't know, I—”
“—Woah, take it easy,” Yoongi took a step towards you, holding your shoulders, fingers massaging the spot in an attempt to calm you down. Even if the tension still had its claws dug deep inside your muscles, his action was enough for a shaky, assuaged breath to leave your crimson lips. “There is nothing to worry about, okay? I’ll stay by your side at all times.”
Even if his intentions were pure, his words were not all that you needed to calm down the currents of your worries. You did not answer, for there was a knot tying inside your throat and preventing you from verbalizing the sentences you needed to say — but what were those, again? In fact, what were you doing? There was a very special reason why you were avoiding the underground city and, above all, avoiding Kim Namjoon. Would you really throw it all away so impulsively?
Yoongi leaned his head slightly to the side, obsidian eyes falling to your own with an odd curtain of compassion over them, “(y/n)?” he called, the corners of his mouth almost twitching in expectation, “okay, if you really don't wanna go down there, you don't need to. I just need an answer from you, alright?” he guaranteed.
You swallowed your emotions dry, feeling the pressure you were under as clearly as the cold cuts of wind. You hated how Yoongi’s bottomless onyx irises stared deep inside you, the very suaveness of his low voice making it impossible for you to get away from his manipulation.
Then again, you were not certain you wanted to leave, too.
Pressing your lips together, you inhaled deeply before giving Yoongi an answer, “Alright, okay. We’re going down swinging,” you sighed, defeated. Your friend smiled, victory plastered all across his smug expression and shimmering inside his irises like stars to a nefarious galaxy. “what do I even have to lose?”
A chuckle followed your words, “That’s the spirit!” the man celebrated. Not even a second passed by before he was already taking your hand and leading you to the abandoned train station.
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As it turns out, you had a lot to lose.
Outlined by paranoid misconceptions, the image you had painted inside your innocent mind made you picture that the subterranean town would resemble somewhat of an anthill, filled with fathomless, muddy pathways that led to small muffled chambers — or perhaps nowhere at all. You hypothesized that the obfuscous lights down there — if there were any — would not be enough to perfectly illuminate the features of gloomy strangers, nor the intentions that waltzed in the background of their curious eyes. As odd as the comparison might appear to be, it was as if you truly were going down to the lower levels of inferno, accompanied by your own personal demon.
Nevertheless, as you came to observe, it was not even close to that. After entering the decaying subway station, Yoongi guided you to one of the trails, then to what appeared to be a blockage in the tunnels. Meeting a couple strangers there, he lost no time and whispered a password to some grumpy old man, who you swore censored your presence with his ablaze stare. Before you could ruminate on that experience, though, the two of you entered a series of passages so inclined that you had to take off your heels in order not to lose balance. The corridors were, at first, humid and covered by penumbra — however, as you walked deeper into its claustrophobic shadows, fluorescent lamps lighted up your path, its luminescence casting an eerie glow on the cement walls drowning in graffiti.
Gradually, civilization showed itself in the small details: from stone stairs to cement-covered tracks, laughs of intoxicated strangers to the primordial constructions of the underground city, a complex parallel world that existed just below your feet. It was a cosmos of resplendent, polychromatic lights that opened before your eager eyes, lively conversations and loud electronic music mingling in a unique, overwhelming symphony. Suddenly, it did not feel like an astringent taste of hell, but a delicate, paradisiacal caress.
Throughout your path, Yoongi kept his promise by remaining close to you — sometimes even guiding you by hand, which was an aspect of his character you were certain he would never admit to — and explaining what every little construction had to offer. From brothels to massive parties, cheap motels to luxurious strip clubs; the underground city was a living, breathing organism, embracing its visitors in a hypnotic euphoria, taking their most hidden desires and gifting them at hand. Its atmosphere was so magnetic — so overwhelming — that you found yourself thinking that you should have come down there before. Not that you would ever admit that, of course.
All that it took for the forgotten nervousness to germinate within your chest was a simple turn, presenting you a kilometric line to what appeared to be a gymnasium. Its pallid yellow walls were peeling off in bursts of grey bricks and covered by glued papers, the faint tone disappearing underneath the weight of time and the abuse of its users. The most diverse of people accumulated outside the place,  clearly eager for one more of the king’s spectacles. The effervescent buzzes of their disconnected conversations turned into a nebula of confusion to your ears and, somewhere deep inside your preoccupied mind, your consciousness yelled out that you did not belong amongst them.
As you started to lower the velocity of your steps, you were surprised by a strong pull on your wrist, inducing for you to momentaneously lose your balance and get back on track, “Um, Yoongi? Why aren’t we getting in line?” you nervously inquired, startled by the looks you two were getting as you passed straight through the impatient crowd. Yoongi’s grip on your wrist was delicate, but firm; presenting you with the insubstantial path to the front entrance.
“We don’t need to,” he simply replied, flashing you a smile as he glimpsed back. Something did not feel right about it, but you were in no position to complain, for you were sure he had the upper hand when it came to those unexplored lands.
Painted by a shade that resembled ruby, the front doors were solely blocked by a red satin rope. Upon arriving there — and burning under the furious eyes of annoyed strangers — Yoongi whispered an unheard sentence to the security guard, who answered with a strident laugh, then an amicable nod of agreement. The large man opened the way for him, but, when you were about to follow your friend into the construction, you were stopped by a hand bigger than your head.
In a way, being blocked by that gigantic security guard gave you some sort of melancholic faith: this was the sign you necessitated to call it a night and go back to the warm hug of your bed. Unfortunately so, your friend’s contemplations were awfully asymmetrical to your own.
Yoongi nudged the man with a firm touch, confident in his words, but somewhat irritated at the unnecessary obstacle, “Man, she’s Namjoon’s girl. Let her through.” he spoke with naturality.
Lucky enough, the man’s surprise was followed by a deep cough from his part, which helped camouflage the pink shade that monopolized your flaming cheeks. Reviewing his decision, you could see at the tips of his fingers grew white around the rope, “I’m sorry, miss,” his low timbre requested your forgiveness, and his legs stepped aside so you could make your way in.
Without a second to chew on what had occurred — was the group of waiting people quieter as well? — you stepped into the building.
The progression of the music reverberated through your bones, the intoxicating scent of alcohol and perspiration causing for your nose to cringe. Encompassing your figure, an ocean of euphoric bodies flooded the bleachers and the lane, surrounding the podium that was located in the center of the large court. A honey-colored spotlight shone upon it, making it stand out like a peaceful iceberg in the middle of chaotic currents. The ring was horribly worn out and stained with what looked to be old blood — which you chose to ignore as Yoongi held your hand tightly, making sure you would not get lost in the thick of the crowd.
It was your turn to slightly pull his hand towards you and, as the boy turned around to hear what you had to say, the flaming discomfort in your eyes almost spoke for itself, “Namjoon’s girl? Are you fucking serious?“ you yelled against the electronic beat.
Without faltering his amused expression, he responded with a, “Did you have a better idea?” Yoongi screamed back. Upon your silence, his smirk only grew wider. “Didn’t think so. And don’t act like it’s not true.”
You closed your mouth, debating if an answer would be worth giving. In the end, you chose to keep your thoughts to yourself, getting lost in your own worried reveries. As the faceless people opened to way for you two, their limbs coruscating under the flashing light, you found yourself out of equilibrium on the thin rope that divided anticipation and fear. After all, you did not know if that was true or not. Not after everything that had occurred.
Yoongi took you past the ebullient stands, where the locker rooms were located, with the excuse of seeing some acquaintances before the show started. As much as his excuse did not exactly make sense inside your head — since it was quite clear that only the fighters and their close friends would be there — you decided that it was a fate you could not avoid for any longer. To hell with it: if you were to see the almighty king again, it might as well be in a public place.
After closing the metal door behind yourself, the noise subsided like you had immersed yourself underwater, causing for you to suspire in assuagement; ears ringing in the sudden silence. Yoongi let go of your hand then, walking in front of you through the small corridor.
A couple minutes must have gone by in sheer quiescence — which had two different reasons. For you, it was the reticence of apprehension and, for your friend, it was the polar opposite. Excitement traced spirals around Yoongi’s head and, as he turned around with a cheerful, “Ready to see the underground king, (y/n)?” you swore you could see some sort of childish pleasure in the cool lights that melted over his features.
Once again: fucker.
After a breviloquent groan, your answer came in between your lips, “Shut up,” you replied, trying to follow the rapid progression of his steps. Why did you agree to wear heels, really? That decision was on the top of your list of bad calls, right underneath ‘Going to the underground city to meet a criminal, who just happens to have a slight crush on you’, “We won’t stay here for long, anyways. It's not like I'm spending the night.” you added.
“You mean: not again,” Yoongi laughed, and, after a few seconds, you two found yourself in front of double doors. Muffled conversations could be heard from the other side, their vague words losing their significance halfway through their path, morphing into a slight buzz soon to be lost in the static universe. Your friend looked back at you as if to make sure you did not run away, eyes analyzing your hesitant expression with amusement, “chill out, will you?” he mocked and, without gifting you a second to respond, opened the passage.
In the expanse between two consecutive heartbeats, you mentally asked for God to make you drop dead.
“Yo, Yoongi!” was the first thing you heard. Before your brain could even capture the image of the place, your attention was already being switched towards the owner of such distinctive, deep timbre — a tall man walked in your direction with open arms, greeting the two of you with a lovely rectangular smile and a warm gaze, which was barely seen underneath the cascade of his caramel-colored hair,  “we were already thinking you’d ditch us for tonight. Namjoon was getting impatient, and that’s very irritating.”
As the handsome stranger moved to quickly hug your friend, a dry laugh was heard from behind him, “If he hears you saying that, you’re the next one he’s fighting, Taehyung” another boy warned playfully, his hair painted by a creme tone, hands inside the pockets of his black pants. As much as his voice carried hits of sarcasm, his features remained oddly serious, if not uncomfortable, “Sup’, Yoon—”
Abruptly, his phrase came to a halt, his eyes fixated on your unexpected presence. A glimpse of curiosity traveled across his beautifully delineated features as he studied you with patience, eyes navigating from your face and down your body — also taking a little too long to examine your bare legs, if you could say so yourself. When his gaze met yours again, through, he smiled kindly, “And who’s this beauty?” he wondered.
For an instant you expected Yoongi to respond, but you came to the conclusion that, from the disapproving shadows that were casted over his traces, he was far too irritated by the stranger’s hidden intentions to do so, “I’m (y/n),” you then answered, feeling extremely uncomfortable now that all eyes were on you. At the mention of your name, they all looked at each other, two boys sitting on a bench whispering something you could not understand. Reluctantly, you cleared your throat. “Um… Yoongi?”
Upon the calling of his name, your friend snapped from his trance, clearing his throat — his eyes were still fuming with something you could not quite characterize, and it only added up to your uneasiness, “Yeah, sorry,” he shook his head, remembering the promise he had made. Yoongi was cognizant that it would take you some time to grow accustomed to the new atmosphere, and that you would most blame him the second something went downhill, “(y/n), this is Taehyung,” he pointed to the first man who came to greet you, “Jimin,” to the guy with the creme hair, “Hoseok, and Seokjin,” he showed the other two men, who still sat on the wooden bench, “Everyone, this is (y/n). Pretend you like each other, or whatever.” he shrugged.
Following his speech came a thick blanket of silence, falling over the ambient as the new information settled in. The sudden quiescence did not last for long — perhaps a second or two — but it was enough for a few more details to be perceived by you: the long lines of indigo lockers; the oscillating lights above your head; the few brown benches that broke the monochromatic atmosphere. The locker room was particularly well-kept, especially if taken to account its location and its users, but some dark stains could still be perceived at the corners of the room, or underneath some broken tiles.  
“So... that’s the girl we’ve heard so much about,” Hoseok’s voice broke the silence and, with it, your rapid daydreams. You could swear you could almost feel his enthusiasm resounding past his words, “it’s nice to finally meet you.” he said.
“You too,” you spoke back, even if you could not pretend as if you had been curious about those people. Of course, you could recall Yoongi mentioning a couple names in the past, but you seriously did not feel any sort of desire to meet the ones who worked under the name of the great Kim Namjoon, “So… are you all fighting?” you took a chance at asking, hoping it would break the thickness of hesitation.
It was Seokjin who replied, “No, tonight’s Namjoon’s night,” he explained, pausing for a second as if to read over your expression. You swore that it was like those boys were trying to read the pages of a soaked book, attempting to find meaning where there was nothing left — perhaps your arrival was truly unexpected, “It’s the finals, actually. Didn’t you know?” he spoke further.
Beyond one special roll of lockers, a muffled sound was heard. The way it smoothly broke the static of the murmuring lamps was sufficient to send your pulse into arrhythmia, for you were aware of the significance they brought along — God, he was right there, wasn’t he?
Somewhat embarrassed that such information had escaped your grip, your gaze flickered down to the floor for a second, your thoughts fighting to focus on the conversation, “Not really, this is my first time down here,” you choose to confess. Out of your field of vision, the metallic sound of a door closing shut startled your spirit out of your body, but you managed to hide it quite well, “I’m… a little lost.” you cleared your throat.
Your eyes moved upwards the second that a dry, muffled sound of steps echoed around the ambient, “Seriously?” Jimin questioned, surprise reverberating past his word, and into his deep eyes — there, something other than friendly intentions dwelled in saturninity. “I would have thou—”
“—Stop making her uncomfortable, Park.”
Rupturing your forged tranquility like a thunder breaks upon the stormy horizon, those five simple words were more than you ever desired; guilty of replacing your blood with currents of electricity, yet freezing up your stomach with the gelid fingers of panic. As much as you had convinced yourself that you were ready to see him again, your confidence evanesced the very second his presence stepped into your field of vision.
Namjoon, in all his glory, stepped out from behind the roll of deep blue cabinets. The humid strands of his dark hair fell over his observant gaze, droplets of water shimmering like small diamonds when met with the achromatic radiance of the fluorescent lights. Traveling downwards from his plump lips — where you could see a thin crimson cut — and perfectly carved jawline, his poorly tied robe made it possible to see a few more drops running down on his defined chest before disappearing behind the grey fabric. Merely one fragment of your brain noticed that he was working on the gauze on his hands, for his entire beauty blinded you to everything else in that particularly claustrophobic ambient.
God, you hated him sometimes, despised the effect he had on you.
To your luck though, one timbre broke your momentary enchantment, “Sorry, boss.” Jimin dismayed his inner panic with an uncomfortable laugh.
Towards him, Namjoon sent only a low, impassive hum. Even lost amongst the nebula of your overwhelmed mind, you could tell that the man had no major interest in remaining in that dialogue, “I’m happy you could come, (y/n),” he then turned towards you, eyes locking within a heartbeat. Swallowing hard, you found yourself unable to deflect his penetrating gaze.
As if a message had been sent telepathically, the other men grew aware of the tension that lingered in between the two of you, “We… were just… leaving,” Taehyung intervened, somewhat unable to find his words quickly. He could swear that, throughout the few years he worked for Namjoon, he never saw him looking at someone with so much intensity, “we should to get to our places before one of the crackheads bothers us again,” he hesitated; cleared his throat. Hopefully the others would get the clue. ”Hm— Yeah, good luck tonight, Namjoon! We are going now.”
Much quicker than your thrown-aback cognizance could grasp, the men left the locker room in a wave of compliments and wishes of good fortune towards their superior. When the door closed behind the last of them — Hoseok — with a loud click, you were sure you would murder Yoongi in the first given chance.
For an instant, you were unable to move. Air had metamorphosed into this consolidated and alien substance that did not quite enter your lungs, the silence overlapped even the spasmodic progression of your thumping pulse. Without looking, you could feel his eyes pierced on you; could envision the rise and fall of his chest as a prolonged suspire departed from his half-open lips, “You look amazing as always,” his deep voice spoke out.
Surprisingly firm, your body turned around to meet his silhouette leaning against the cabinets. As expected, his pupils were burning past your flesh, uncovering the vacillation of your soul, “Thank you, Namjoon,” running your hands through your white dress as if there was something to fix, you found yourself flinching away from his stare yet anew — you did not fear him, though, but feared your own bad decisions. The fighter solely followed your movements with his eyes, “You don’t look so bad yourself.” you added.
“I’m practically half-naked,” he grinned, stretching his hands and checking if all the gauze was in place. As much as Namjoon acted absent-minded, you were aware he was the polar opposite.
Fuck, just roll with it.
Your response dripped in between your lips before you could censor yourself, “I know.” 
What are you thinking, (y/n)?
There was no certainty if his chuckle was instigated by your clear nervousness, but Namjoon smiled at your adorable reactions, holding out a hand for you, “C'mere.” he requested calmly.
You walked slowly towards him, the sound of your shoes resonating in the closed environment. Even hesitant, you could not help but obey his commands  — the boy was completely magnetic, owner of such an enveloping aura that left you flabbergasted at his presence; downing in the silkiness of his deep voice. Namjoon’s tongue came out to his lips, following the movement of your legs. The man thought how he would do anything to be between them at that moment, having a taste of the paradise only the two of you shared; a personal heaven that was oh, so dangerously close to his caresses.
Finally, as your hand touched his, Namjoon gently pulled you against his body and your hands rested on his wet pectoral, breasts pressed against his pale grey robe. The tension between you two was heavy, almost palpable, your warm breaths mingling as you touched your foreheads; nose brushing lightly against his, “For good luck,” he murmured.
Namjoon pressed your lips to his gently, his fingers tangling in your hair. Immediately, he was poisoned by the flavor of your honey tongue. It was absurdly intoxicating, a drug he would never get used to. He felt like you were as addictive as nicotine, as mesmerizing as the a mermaid’s melody. And he could never get enough: he missed — needed — you so much.
You sighed against Namjoon’s mouth as your hands moved to the curvature of his neck, pulling lightly on the base of his hair. One of the boy’s strong arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your body against his with undeniable desire, concupiscence. You had entered that locker room with the decision that would never fall into one of his tricks again, but you found yourself defeated by the softness of his full lips, mind erased by the soft grunts that resonated in the space between your intertwined lips. Weak — he made you so, so weak.
The boy grunted as your tongues met, and he turned his head slightly to deepen the kiss. He saw himself wanting you more and more, demanding all of his self-control not to fuck you against lockers until you were screaming for your approaching relief. The moment your teeth found his lower lip, biting and gently pulling, he could not help but moan out your name, “Damn, baby girl,” he murmured right after, voice drunken by lust. You pulled away just enough so that he could talk, noses still brushing and hearts unhinged, “you have no idea how much I missed kissing you.” he breathed out.
You simply smiled, attacking his lips with more fervor — there were no needs for words of agreement when your every move was symmetrical to his own, working in the same dose of eagerness. The boy sighed, turning your body around and pinning you against the cold metal doors of the lockers. Like a natural reaction, your legs curled around his waist, causing Namjoon to moan, slowly grinding against you. The small friction was enough for you to drop a muffled whine, the familiar moisture already spreading through your underw—
“—Boss, are you… OH SHIT SORRY!”
Like a bucket of ice had been thrown on top of you, your immediate reaction was to pull away from Namjoon’s touch, head only missing the lockers for only a few millimeters. Feeling your cheeks burn in deep scarlet, you hid your face on the curvature of the man’s neck, praying to all the gods who may be listening that such position was nothing but a bad dream.
Though, has you felt the fighter’s voice reverberating against your chest, you were sure that it was happening, “Fucking hell, Hoseok,” Namjoon cursed out, clearly irritated at his friend’s interruption. But, hey, at least the two were still fully dressed. “learn how to knock, for fuck’s sake.”
“Sorry! ” the invader covered his eyes with his hand, voice a little sharper than normal. If the situation was not extremely uncomfortable, it would be absolutely hilarious. “I just— The fight is about to start, I wanted to see if you were ready—”
“—Yeah, yeah, I got that,” Namjoon interrupted, pulling away your bodies and letting you put your feet on the ground. You still could not look at the other man, choosing instead to focus on a random corner — those dirt stains suddenly grew so interesting, “I’ll be there in a minute.” he grunted, obviously fighting against every fiber of his body to do so. The last thing he wanted, in fact, was to leave your touch behind.
“Okay!” Hoseok exclaimed, still paralyzed in place.
If someone’s eyes could melt flesh, Namjoon’s were as close as possible, “Jung?” he called out.
“Yeah, boss?”
“Get the fuck out, will ya?”
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The first time you met Namjoon was amongst the thumping of a generic beat and the neon lights of an old club at the upper city. Approximately two months after your boyfriend stress, Yoongi won you by exhaustion and managed to take you to such place, glad to see you joining him in one of his infamous nocturnal adventures.
You were not ashamed to confess that Namjoon caught your eye immediately — mainly by the way the boy behaved, emanating confidence and authority in the midst of his every action, no matter how mundane. He stood out in the crowd as if he held to an ethereal — or perhaps diabolical — luminescence of his own, and you were lost in his voice the moment you two started talking. Before you could tell, the party had progressed into the crepuscular veils of dawn, and the boxer did not leave you side for a second, equally overwhelmed by your mysticism.
After a few drinks from both of you, neither remembered how the night reached its terminal hours. Some vague memories still flashed in your mind  — when he took you to a hotel, hands up your crop top and whispering sweet nothings into your ear; or when he stripped you out of your clothes, watching your body with desire as you moaned underneath his touches, in awe with the sacchariferous ambrosia of his tongue. You managed to recall getting in all fours, screaming out his name as he thrusted himself in and out of your dripping core, feeling on top of the world as he moaned praises, calling you his baby girl, his…
That word was all that you could think about as the rays of morning light arrived over the upper city and you woke up wrapped in his strong arms, head resting on his chest. Truth was simple and terrifying: ou did not desire to be Namjoon’s queen, you did not want to get involved in whatever he did in the underground world. It was all supposed to be a regretful one night stand, nothing mor—
“Morning, babe. Did you sleep well?”
Of all things, you did not expect that. You did not expect his gentle smiles or his loving touches. You did not predict that the man would fight to stay in contact, to keep trying to see you as often as he possibly could. Never did you foresee that someone as feared and dehumanized as Namjoon would laugh so brightly when he was around you, and, above it all, you did not expect him to keep calling you… that. Eventually, you came to the realization that, if Namjoon was the king of the underground, you were as close as he would ever get to a queen — deep down, you hated yourself for loving it.
And you hated yourself for running away the way you did. You gave him no explanation or excuse, no goodbye or any sort of closure. One day, about two months ago, you simply cut him out of your life, never to even mention his name again. All that was left of the almighty king was the ghost of his delicate embraces and soft voice, along with endless requests from your friend to not give up on him so easily; the glimpses of his harsh features that would sometimes shimmer into light within the darkness of your mind. You promised yourself that it was the end for that sad excuse of a love story, that you would never be so naive again.
But now he was back, punching a guy to death.
Monster! Monster! Monster!
The crowd was euphoric, shouting his nickname in aggressive unisound. The exhilarated rooting of expectators was so intense that you could barely comprehend the line of your thoughts, so devastating and overcoming that you almost felt pity for Namjoon’s opponent — though, you were aware that the noise was not his biggest issue at that instant.
Monster! Monster! Monster!
“Annihilate him!” Taehyung screamed next to you, punching the air in pure emotion.
Your sits were, by far, amongst the most privileged in the house: practically on the ring side, right beneath where the conflict unraveled. From there, you could see in impressive detail the rise and fall of Namjoon’s heavy breathing, the way his eyebrows were lowered in concentration. You could see his muscles tensing and relaxing with every move, outlined by the traces of sweat that made his skin glow. Supremely, you could see why people were so afraid of him for, within minutes, his opponent had already been almost knocked out three times, clearly having severe difficulties accompanying the younger man’s precise attacks.
“Get him, boss!” Jimin yelled.
In one swift advance, the other man  — Spinebreaker? You could not remember his name  —  threw a punch, only for his fist to meet the coldness of air. Namjoon took advantage of the opening, turning his body with surprising ease and launching a kick that hit his opponent directly on his ribs. With a muffled snarl, Spinebreaker staggered, but managed to keep himself on his feet. He was not a bad fighter, Namjoon was simply much, much better.
Next to you, you saw Yoongi moving closer to you, his voice rising a little above the others so he could be heard, “You should cheer for your boyfriend.” he teased.
“First of all, we’re not dating,” you spoke back, eyes never leaving the fight. Namjoon deflected an attack just for a few inches. His body moved with impressive agility, just covered by some loose, worn out shorts — you would be telling a lie if you said you did not enjoy the view, “second of all: no, thanks.” you concluded.
“Don’t be a pain in the ass, (y/n),” Yoongi rolled his eyes, pushing his shoulder against yours lightly. Namjoon turned away from another punch, losing his balance for a moment. The other man he was visibly weak, but he continued his offenses mercilessly, “and, yeah, I know you two are not dating. But I don’t think he does.” he chuckled.
Something that lingered in the background of his mocking tone made your focus break. You blinked twice, then moved to stare at your friend, “What do you mean?” you inquired.
He laughed at your oblivious attitude. Yoongi could not comprehend how someone could be so emotionally constipated, “Come on, couldn’t you tell? God, (y/n), you can be so dense sometimes.” he said.
“Yoongi,” you called, this time more seriously. “what are you saying?”
The boy cleared his throat and licked his lips, though his eyes remained trapped in the combat, “Okay, so… the guy talks about you nonstop. To the point that is driving me mad, in fact. He’s giving you your space because he thinks he did something wrong, not because he’s done with you,“ you listened carefully to his words, heart falling into despair at every prolonged pause Yoongi took. “Seokjin even said that like  — shit! Defend yourself, man!  — fuck, okay... Seokjin said that he wouldn’t mind giving up everything down here, if that’s what has been bothering you so much. But I don’t know.”
“That’s… a lot?” oddly so, you appeared to be unable to find the correct words to construct your response. Then again, you were not certain there were any, “But we don’t even know each other that well, that sounds a bit… radical, maybe?” you continued, reluctant.
“Hey, I’m just passing on the info,” he shrugged. It amazed you how unbothered Yoongi acted, even when being faced with something as life changing as that. Maybe he did not care, you thought, or maybe he was certain that would not happen. “I know Namjoon a little better than you, and I can say for sure that he likes you. This-is-a-romance-movie kind of liking. It’s kinda disgusting.”
Simply as that, the enchantment that held your attention on him was broken, “Oh, please, not with this again. We’re not in seventh grade,” you mumbled, turning your gaze back to the fight. Namjoon had been hit, the mark of a small cut had opened on his cheek, tracing slender lineaments of blood down his clenched jaw line, “he likes me and all the other girls.” you scoffed.
Awakening from his own self-inflicted spell, your friend’s eyes snapped back to his side, meeting yours in a mixture of confusion and disbelief, “(Y/n), there are no other girls, don't you understand that?” Yoongi sighed, irritated as if he was telling you something obvious as the color of the sky. “Namjoon is a solo player, and he’s into you. So either you gave him the best blowjob of his life, or he means it.”
Disregarding his terminal comment was probably the best measure you could have taken at that moment, “Whatever,” your voice came out neutral, but your thoughts were an absolute chaos. “Just give me some time.”
In a sea of incoherent screams and droplets of blood, Namjoon threw another precise punch towards his oblivious opponent. As soon as his face met those gaze-covered knuckles, the other man hung against the ropes after staggering back on the blood-splattered floor. Spinebreaker’s face was already decorated with vivacious scarlet splashes, his movements were perceptively lethargic and more fatigued — it would not take much longer now, the fight was almost done with.
Next to you, Yoongi cleared his throat, “You have been given a long time. I mean, I remember what you told me,” he continued, pausing for a second to watch the fighter’s agile movements — the man was truly mesmerized, “you don’t want to get into this crap. And I understand. But you gotta see that you’re already far too deep to back out like this. Shit, (y/n), you have the guy wrapped around your finger, you can’t just cut him out like that, you’re not that coward.” he told you.
“Thanks for the motivational speech, Yoongi,” you said sarcastically. Deep down, you knew that everything he said was true. And knew you would have to come to terms with it sooner or later.
With one last hit, Namjoon won.
His opponent collapsed onto the ground with a loud noise, unconscious, and the scream of the audience gathered in a single, deafening sound. Before you could get hold of your own unforeseen excitement, you found yourself mingling with the rest of the crowd, congratulating the king on yet another one of his victories. You could not tell where it came from, but suddenly a wave of pride washed over every fiber of your body.
The moment the man spat out his mouthguard and stepped under the ropes, walking towards you, you realized that trying to predict his actions was almost as impossible as telling how many stars decorated the nocturnal sky. Namjoon ignored all the other spectators and focused only on you, the most beautiful woman he ever had the privilege of meeting, as you cheered for him, small hands clapping happily. His tired walk was quickly replaced by a run, his smile shining bright as the distance between you two got smaller and smaller.
In all his victorious magnificence, the Underground King wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging your body against his and spinning you around with joy. And, when your lips met and the crowd exploded into cheers, that moment became the first time Kim Namjoon felt he had really won.
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“And then he went like BAM! And the guy was down!” Taehyung narrated the fight, reproducing a few moves with enthusiasm.
“We know, we were right next to your sorry ass,” Yoongi replied, lying on the wooden bench. “are you high, man?”
Licking his lips, the boy took a second to consider the sensations that overtook his body, “Not yet, no,” he denied after such breviloquent instant of ponderation, then turning to his focus to the other man. “boss, how are you feeling?”
Namjoon’s eyes lethargically moved to where Taehyung stood, almost as if he had just been awakened back to reality, “I’m goo— Ouch! (y/n), take it easy there”, he flinched as he felt the wet cotton press delicately against his open wound.
With a diverted laugh, you merely nodded, but disregarded his sentence promptly. You and Namjoon were sitting on one of the benches as well, your fingers gently working on his open cuts, “I have to clean this up. Besides, how are you complaining about a little bit of antiseptics when you didn’t even flinch when you got punched?”
The fighter cleared his throat, “Adrenaline, I gue— God damn it!” he cringed, taking the cotton ball from your hands in one motion. “Okay, baby, I think that’s enough for now.”
Before you could say anything back, another comment resounded from the opposite side of the cool locker room, “The great king can’t handle a bit of pain,” Jimin smiled. The way Namjoon tensed up underneath your touch made you realize he did not like his provocative tone one bit.
Blocking his boss from making the situation worse, Seokjin threw an inquiry around, choosing to intervene in the tense atmosphere, “The party’s still up, right?” he asked to no one in particular.
“Yeah,” it was Namjoon who replied, fingers running through his recently washed hair, “you guys can go, I’m not feeling like it.” he quickly added.
A cloud of confusion grew denser around the fluorescent cubicle, his friends almost unable to understand what had been said, “What?” Hoseok asked, almost automatically so. “You’re the star, boss,  what are you talking about?”
Namjoon’s uninterested features showed clearly how little that information struck him. There were more important things in his mind than some silly victory commemoration — which was, sincerely, becoming quite repetitive, “That’s great,” the fighter grunted, slipping his arm around your waist. The touch was firm and filled with warmth, somewhat between the protective and the possessive,  “I’m still not going.” he repeated, unshakable.
Next to him, you placed your hand on his shoulder, unable to fight back the curiosity that was bubbling in your chest, “What party are we talking about?” you asked.
“We’re celebrating the Namjoon’s victory!” Taehyung replied promptly, as if he had been expecting that inquiry from your part. From everyone there, he seemed to be the most excited, and you could not help but think that maybe he was lying about not being high.
Humming, you turned your gaze back to the man by your side — his traces still harsh, yet flawlessly delineated by the thin neon lights of the cool ambient. It was awe-inspiring how perfectly Namjoon could coexist between the delicate and the brutal, oscillating like a pendulum in the thick of those opposites, “Sounds fun,” you chose to comment, targeting your words towards him. Namjoon’s hand stroked the curvature of your body, and you watched his thoughtful stare deepen into consideration.
Though, that moment only lasted for a short-lived instant. He had made up his mind, “It’s the same shit every time,” he said back, this time looking back to meet your features — raised eyebrows and pouty lips; the eyes that had so many time enchanted him into your embrace, “and I much rather spend the night with you, babe.” the fighter made sure to say.
Like a switch had been activated within the walls of your taken-aback mind, you felt the tides of roseate embarrassment painting your cheeks with hot brushstrokes. Yoongi, still lying down and with his eyes closed, seemed oblivious to your sudden embarrassment, “Are you okay with me going without you, (y/n)?” your best friend inquired.
Your throat felt a bit dry as you responded, but your words were as true as they could be, “Yeah, sure. I can stay.” you spoke back. You did not want your night to go any other way.
Namjoon smiled, still holding to your waist, “I’ll take good care of her, don’t worry.” he said.
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After all the boys left the locker room — heading to the party with clear and resounding exclamations of anticipation — you and Namjoon were left alone for the second time that night. As peculiar as the realization might have been, his company with was not as intense as you had foreseen, the casual talk flowing almost too perfectly.
That was one of many reasons why Namjoon intrigued you so much: the way he could understand you so well; how he treated you as if you were the most precious thing he ever landed his eyes on, when, to others, he only showed his brute, authoritarian face. Those two, polar opposite personalities danced together inside the same person, changing and adjusting so flawlessly that you had a hard time keeping track of his thoughts. Regardless, you adored it. Adored him.
And, good heavens, it was like you could feel yourself falling all over.
“How many times have you won the championship, anyway?” your voice broke the momentary quietness.
Sitting on the bench, you watched the outline of his bare back, his muscles moving as he pulled out his clothes from the metal cabinet. Before the other men had left, the fighter had took a second to wash the sweat out of his body; small droplets of water still ornamenting his caramel-pigmented skin. At the verbalization of your question, he paused for a second, thoughtful, “Around… Nine?” Namjoon responded.
A small exclamation of surprise dripped in between your lips as you leaned back, resting your hands on the bench — the object was not especially large, but it was enough for you to lie down on it comfortably, if necessary, “So that’s why they call you Monster.” you teased.
Namjoon only laughed at your claim, certain that you were aware of the truth — his nickname came from much darker things than winning a few boxe fights over the years, “They call me a lot of things, sweetheart.” he threw back, tone slightly embellished by traces of melancholy. You did not answer, “But I guess you know that, of course,” the man closed the small door, then moved to place the pile of clothes at your side, “considering the time you were avoiding me.” he concluded.
Your eyes widened, heart shattering promptly. Foolish had been the hope that he would have overlooked that phase of your relationship, egotistical had been the part of your mind that swore he did not feel the pain of your departure, “Namjoon, I—” you started.
��—Don’t worry, baby, I get it,” he sighed. His dark hair was disheveled, falling over his eyes like a waterfall, masking perfectly how unable he was to maintain eye contact with you. Some part of him swore that, if he attempted to do so, he would not be able to camouflage the anguish that had monopolized his spirit for so damn long, “the things I do aren’t for everyone.” he spoke further — trying to convince himself more than you.
Namjoon hesitated for an instant, waiting to see if your voice would rupture his rambling. As an interruption did not come, he continued with a heavy heart, “But... here’s the thing,” he pushed the strands out of his dark chocolate eyes, “if it was anyone else, I wouldn’t give a flying shit. But it’s you. I have absolutely no fucking idea what you did to me, but I can’t stop thinking about you,” he took a deep breath, the honesty of his words weighting deep inside his chest, “Shit, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. All I know is that I wanna kiss you until I’m out of breath.” he confessed.
You remained without reaction, absorbing everything he had just told you. Namjoon looked at you with extreme sincerity and, deep in his chest, he truly hoped you would comprehend that he was not as terrible as his reputation made him out to be. He wished you would realize how important you were to him, how he would give up his whole kingdom if that meant having you in his arms again — fuck, he was tearing himself apart.
Before you could verbalize one of the thousand contemplations that had washed over your mind, his voice echoed again, “But I can’t kiss you,” he murmured, defeated. Something in his lethargic tone made you realize the sadness he carried along, the despondency of being unable to fully call you his, “because I know you’re still scared of me.” Namjoon concluded.
There it was — the final drop that made the cup overflow; the unwanted attack that had set your soul aflame. Had you been a coward? Yes, but not because of something like that. You were not scared of him, and you could understand that now. Ever since you two met, you could tell that, underneath the heavy armor that he wore, a golden heart shined along.
“Namjoon, can you stop with all that self pity?” you stood up, standing face to face with the boy. In the way his eyebrows lifted and he took a small step back, you could see that he was as surprised as you by your unexpected action, “I’m not scared of you, I’m scared of all this,” your finger traced circles in the air and pointed all around you, referring to the underground city as a whole, “or, at least, I was. I’m not anymore.” you paused, letting your shoulders fall. “Listen, I’m not gonna lie: I was avoiding you— ”
He laughed sarcastically, “That was pretty obvio—”
“—I said listen,” you interrupted him. He grew silent, “I was avoiding you, but I’m not anymore. I’m here, and I’m very fucking confused with everything that happened tonight. And I damn well know I’m not scared of someone who can’t take a little bit of antiseptics, ” he laughed at that, making you relax a little, “So, yeah, you may be the king of this hellhole, but you don’t frighten me as much as you’d like. I’m not scared of you, Namjoon, so please stop pretending I am this fragile little doll you have to protect.” you breathed out.
Just like that, his own words turned into silence within his head. There was nothing else he needed to say, for the man was certain of the veracity your heated phrases carried along. He could see your reluctance, could see your heart being pulled in between reason and emotion — but fear? Oh, he saw no fear in the midst of the magnificent seas of your gaze, solely the tides of an ocean that attempted to pull him closer, “What are you saying?” Namjoon inquired, gaze flickering towards your parted lips.
Subsequent to a profound exhale, you took a step towards him, “I’m saying that I want you to kiss me, Namjoon.” you whispered.
Unable to fight back the blooming of his own desire, the man quickly granted your wish. The collision of his lips against yours was sufficient to steal all the air from your lungs — already so frail to breathe properly, it seemed — and send your heart into a vivacious pulse. Then and there, the world lost its focus: there was no flickering lights above your head, no scars of a recent battle bothering him. The chilly air of the room had been replaced by the heat of your bodies, an atmosphere so filled by sheer lust that you could not focus on anything else.
With a muffled grunt against your mouth, Namjoon turned your body around, practically throwing you against the cabinets, the metallic sound echoing through the awfully warm room. His firm hands grasped your ass, making your hips naturally grind towards his own. Even if like the ghost of a touch, you could tell that the fighter was already half hard, and the quick contact was enough for him to moan out once again. Last time, you two left some unfinished business, and he would make sure that would not happen again, not when you were so deliciously giving yourself to his touches.
Soon after, the man was taking out all his accumulated frustration in you. Namjoon tore your jacket from your body, throwing it away and holding at your sides as your legs wrapped around his muscular figure once again — he pulled you upwards and pressed you against the cool metal, giving you the support you necessitated to fully press your center against his. He left behind the paradise of your mouth, assaulting your neck with kisses and bites, feeling the blood shoot down to his cock every time his name dripped from your parted, red-bitten lips. You were the hottest thing he had ever seen, and you were driving him absolutely insane with every small exclamation of pleasure.
With a sudden movement, he lifted you dress up to your waist, one of his hands caressing the insides of your bare leg, dwelling in the smoothness of your skin. Any other occasion, he would do his best to tease you with slow, patient movements; would find pleasure in the manner you flinched away from the stimulation of his touch, at the same time complaining and wishing for more: begging for him. However, at that delightful instant, Namjoon simply wished to feel more of you, to drown in the pleasure of your embrace — fuck, he just wanted to be inside you, feeling your walls tightening around his hard member as you cried out his name.
Just that simple thought made him moan against the wet-kissed skin of your neck, fingers going towards your pulsating core, “Fuck, baby, you’re soaked already,” he groaned, massaging your clit over the humid fabric. You bit down on your bottom lip, closing your eyes in an attempt to contain your needy whines — he knew every damn part of your body like a map, was aware of how to touch you oh so perfectly, “Don’t hold back, baby girl, I want to hear you screaming my name,” he almost ordered, cutting your thoughts short of stamina. “I want everyone in this goddamn city to know you’re my fucking queen.”
And who were you to ignore an order from the king himself?
What departed from your lips what a conglomerations of syllables that resembled his name, their meaning lost in a current of moans and whines. Still, some part of your mind was focused on something else, for, before he could fully have you for himself, you desired to treat him just as well, “Namjoon,” you called out the second that his fingers pulled the fabric of your underwear aside. Your only response was a low hum against your jugular, “S-sit down, I wanna give you your prize,” you barely got out before another whine left your mouth.
Even if bothered by the separation of your bodies, Namjoon did as requested. Unbothered eyes accompanied your own eager ones as the man sat down on the bench, legs apart and erection visible through the thin fabric of his shorts. You swore you could drown in that image: his abs rising and falling with the rapid progression of his breathing, his wet strands of hair pulled back allowing for you to see the beauty of his features.
And then there were the cuts — god, the cuts. You did not know what it was, but some part of you burned at the mere glimpse of his white scars, or the fresh vermillion cuts that torn out his skin. From the bruises that bloomed in violaceous and ruby to the lines of crimson down his face, it all combined to form a person so magnetic and compelling that you could not help but allow for your lust to take hold of your body.
Quickly after, you moved close to him. As Namjoon’s irises met your actions with almost savage need, you started placing small kisses down his neck, fingertips outlining the curvature of his tense shoulders. Gradually you began trailing a path downwards, sucking and biting his skin. The response he gave you were subdued and throaty grunts; moans that continuously perished in between his lips, “Fuck, (y/n),” the fighter cursed when your hands circled around his waist and you knelt between his open legs, fingernails clawing at the base of his spine.
Your name sounded so dirty that you had to hold back a suspire of sheer devotion. Your hands descended even further, surrounding his hip bones as your lips found the elastic hem of his shorts. Without hesitation, you planted a kiss on his clothed erection, feeling the man’s body tremble underneath your diaphanous touch, his hips slightly moving towards your face. Looking at you like that, Namjoon felt he was reaching the limit of his sanity, “Babe, you’re gonna make me cum in my fucking pants if you keep doing that.” he warned. The idea did sound appealing.
Ignoring his requests, you patiently hooked your fingers around the hem of his shorts, pulling them down and leaving only his underwear. Your hand cupped his fabric-covered member, squeezing and massaging it lightly as you felt it twitching under the cloth, “You feel so hard.” you trailed off, forcing your voice to resound without a trace of desire.
Namjoon bit his lower lip, staring down at you with hooded eyes, “Stop teasing me.” his tone, however, was covered by a thick blanket of lust.
“You’re a little too... impatient,” you remarked, looking up at him with false innocence, “quit ordering me around and enjoy your little present.” you told him.
Before he could protest, your lips returned to his underwear, kissing his cock one last time before taking off his last piece of clothing. His dick hit his abdomen, hard and pulsating with need. You enjoyed the image for a moment, wasting no time as you began to kiss the inside of his thighs, slowly spreading his legs wider with the palms of your hands. Namjoon was breathing hard above you, unable to concentrate on anything but the impulse to feel your mouth around him, “Shit, baby, I need you.” he practically whined.
Humming, your mouth kissed the path up his leg, your lips slowly touching the base of his member. Such simple contact was enough for the boy to moan out your name, hand flying to hold onto your hair tightly. Your tongue gently licked his cock, savoring his salty taste and moving up his length. Just an instant before reaching the top, you stopped, your fingers curling around him, slowly beginning to pump his thickness. Namjoon needed a lot more, and he had already moved beyond the point in which his pride kept him from vocalizing his wishes, “Fuck, (y/n), p-please…” the man tried again.
His voice sounded hoarse and defeated, inciting a familiar heat to spread through the base of your spine, wetting your panties even more. You moaned against his cock, causing the boy to hold your hair even harder as he buckled up his hips. Without warning — the surprise was always the most delicious part — you took all of him in your mouth, coming down until it reached the back of your throat. Namjoon threw back his head, a loud, deep grunt reverberating all around you, “Oh my god, babe, yeah, fuck—” he cried.
There was something incredibly hot about having someone as powerful as Kim Namjoon completely helpless beneath your touch, and you were delighting yourself at every second of that. Patiently, you lifted your head, almost taking his cock out of your mouth, before moving down again. Your cheeks hollowed, sucking him, keeping a slow pace. You listened, core throbbing, as the boy repeated your name over and over like a empty prayer, somewhat unaware that he was doing so.
Namjoon pulled and pushed your head, making you take him whole every time you lowered your body, his tip hitting the back of your throat, “Just like that, baby girl, fu-fuck—” one specially breathless grunt interrupted his own sentence. You moaned against his length, adoring his reaction, yet feeling the discomfort spreading between your legs at an alarming pace. Precum was already taking over your mouth, and you knew he was close to reaching his edge, “Your mouth feels so good, babe, don’t — ah, fuck— Don’t stop…”
His sounds became more and more frequent, fingers guiding your head with precision as his hips moved to meet your movements. One last time, you felt his cock twitching inside your mouth before he came undone, repeating your name in between shattered groans and overwhelmed, breathless prayers.
After you had swallowed down on his release — something he could not help but praise over and over — you removed his member from your mouth and looked up to see the mess you had done. As you did so, your body was unable to capture a stubborn whine from departing from your chest, a sound so needy that even you grew surprised at its echoing connotation. Painted on the astounding canvas of his desire, every singularity of that scene seemed to blank your mind: Namjoon’s head was thrown back, eyes closed in concentration and small droplets of sweat gracing his face. His breathing was heavy, his mouth half-open and teeth pricked in the purest expression of pleasure. A vague rufescent hue had been casted over his cheeks, overlooked by the shadow of his frown. God, he was the very image of lust.
Lackadaisical, his head moved back straight, then slightly leaned down. The man opened his eyes and, before you could fully comprehend the sheer concupiscence that pulsated within his hollow gaze, a murmur that that resembled something like, “lie down for me, baby,” interrupted your contemplations.
What followed that request moved far too rapidly for you to fully recall. Trapped in a foggy cloud of your salaciousness, your body moved on autopilot, the forms and shades of the room around you turning into an abstract conglomeration of nebulous elements. It only regained its focus once you found yourself trapped in between Namjoon’s body and the wooden bench — just as expected, it was the right size if you wished to lie down — merely registering the white fabric of your dress being thrown to the ground.
Foul, a long moan escaped you as Namjoon’s mouth attacked your breasts, tongue prowling your erect nipples as the other was massaged by his large hand. He had completely lost control over his own senses by seeing you moaning and squirming beneath him, he could no longer handle his most primordial instincts. He desired you like nothing else in that goddamn world.
Impatient, the man left your chest, mouth delineating the way down your figure and towards your legs. He was quick to position himself between them, hands on your ass so he could lift your hips up for better access. He bit down on the sensitive skin of your thigh, going towards your core with lascivious explosions of carnality. Just as you did with him, he took off your underwear — too — patiently, eyes shimmering with aphrodisia as he saw the way you were ready for him; panties absolutely soaked.
Without a single second of vacillation, his swollen lips met your clit, sucking hard on the bundle of nerves. Your back lifted from the seat instantaneously, hands flying to his head and fingers curling into fists on his hair. Namjoon moaned against your touch, causing the vibrations to spread through your lower body, “Oh-Oh my god, Namjoon, please—” you whimpered.
He did not answer. With a single movement, one of his hands left your ass, playing with your wet folds and teasing your entrance — slowly, then eagerly. The fighter’s name came out as trembling breaths, and you found yourself unable to think of anything but the fantastic sensation of his mouth working on your core, licking and sucking all your wetness.
The second his face moved away from you so he could speak out, you felt the tingling sensation of your upcoming release starting to creep up on you, “You taste so fucking good,” he grunted, practically speaking those words to himself. He was like a man hypnotized, a marionette to his deeper cravings, “I could eat you out all day, baby...” he trailed off.
With that, he slipped two fingers into you and moved back to lick your sensitive spot, groaning as you lifted your hips, grinding against his face. Your high was approaching, he could feel it the way you clenched around his fingers, “Namjoon, I’m—”
“I know,” he interrupted. And oh, how he knew, “cum on my face, baby. I wanna taste you,” he ordered, his voice hoarse from the desire that consumed his spirit.
The cue was clear, and you were happy to take it. Combining with a terminal call for his name, your voice metamorphosed into continuous moans and whines; your orgasm overtaking your body with each passing second. You could feel your knees growing weak, your fingers losing fraction on the strands of his hair; reality slipping away from your grip. It felt so fucking great, you wished you could prolong that moment just a little bit more.
However, Namjoon barely gave you time to recover before he was attacking his lips one more time, his hands gripping your body tightly, your own taste invading your mouth as your tongues danced together in a messy, uncoordinated waltz. You felt his erection moving up and down between your folds, your wet juices embracing his throbbing member. Still sensitive, you sighed against his mouth at the contact.
As low as it was, that sound was what it took him to make up his mind — it was time to quit with the foreplay, “I need to be inside you before I lose my damn mind,” Namjoon hissed, voice drunk on ardor. “get up for me, babe, I’m gonna fuck you against the lockers.”
You could not tell how, but your legs managed to hold you up, even if your movements were slightly slower with weakness. Behaving well, you moved closer to the lockers and watched as the man accompanied your movements, his lowered eyebrows showing that you were doing something wrong, “No, no,” Namjoon trailed off, one of his hands moving to grab your arm. Firmly — but not in a manner that it would hurt you — he turned your figure around, pressing your breasts against the cold metal, “I want your back to me, baby girl.” he whispered.
Once again, who were you to disregard an order from the king? Especially when he asked so kindly.
His chest found the skin of your back, pressing you further against the long line of cabinets. Namjoon’s hands caressed your ass with strong touches, making you stick out your lower body in an attempt to find some kind of friction, “Arms up,” he requested.
You obeyed anew, feeling as one of Namjoon’s hand gripped your fists into place, right above above head. In a single movement, his other hand circled your hip, working on your clit. The contact made you lift your ass again, and, with that, his member moved past your folds, hitting deep inside you, “Shit, (y/n), you’re so tight,” he murmured, lost in his own reveries, “so fucking wet for me...”
“P-Please—” you could not help but beg, it was all becoming too much.
Oh, and there it was: the melodious symphony of your fragile voice resounding in his heart; the bargains of someone who could not take much more of that delightful torture, “Please what?” Namjoon inquired, his harsh voice tickling the curvature of your neck.
Of course you knew exactly what he needed to hear — what he desired to. You could have said it many minutes ago and avoided the mouth-watering prolongation of your relief, but both of you were aware of the effects that simple word had on him. It was quite fun, but it was even better when you waited for the right second, “Please, daddy, fuck me…” at last, you said it.
Namjoon froze for a second, feeling your words shoot through his body in inhumane speed. The next second, he was not the same. With a savagery that was almost unfamiliar to him, the grip on your waist grew stronger as he began pumping in and out of you with force; groaning every time your walls clenched around you in oversensibility, “You like this, baby girl?” he asked after a particularly deep thrust.
And, God, how much did you adore it, “Yes, daddy, please,” was all you could say, pleasure completely taking over your senses as the repetition of that name only increased the force in his actions. You could already feel the muscles of your thighs beginning to shake, your second orgasm approaching with ferocity, “Daddy, don’t stop, daddy—” you cried.
Namjoon groaned out, ignoring the constant sounds of metal every time your figure was pressed against it, “You take my cock so well, shit,” his mumbles continued, his mind lost in the trance that was your body moving against his own. He had almost forgotten how absolutely delicious you felt as you stretched around him, screaming his name with all the strength left in you, “baby girl, fuck, I won’t last long.” the man warned.
Your only response was a whine that resembled his name, your words lost in the exhilliating midst of everything you were feeling, every sensation of absolute pleasure that overtook your mind and soul, “C-cum for me, daddy, please.” you breathlessly requested.
Who was Namjoon to ignore an order from his queen?
“F-fuck,” he grunted, his movements getting increasingly sloppy. He released your hands, holding down on the cabinets as the pressure inside him grew more and more. Namjoon was pounding deep inside you, feeling your walls get ever tighter until, at last, he released inside you, your name leaving his lips like a mantra. With a few more faint thrusts, you came undone around him, clenching and turning into a pleading mess; moans so loud you were sure the whole town could hear.
Hearts pounding with the rhythm of your infatuation, the sounds that filled the room were only the heavy breaths that followed your release. As the world progressively returned to substantiality — the coolness of the lockers, the clouds of heat that were sent down your spine — you felt as Namjoon’s lips met the curvature of your neck, placing a love-filled kiss against your sweaty skin. Soon after, his fingers came and pulled your hair away from your face; his kisses resumed. There it was again: the calmness after the storm; what that you once found so strange, now felt just right. Over time, that was an aspect of his persona that you would get used to.
Mayhaps one day you would fully understand Kim Namjoon. Perhaps the time would come that you would discover why, among so many people, he had chosen you to be his one and only queen. Regardless, all you knew was that, as he caressed your skin with the tip of his fingers and held your body gently against his, dwelling in the afterglow of your pleasure, you could not be happier to reign at his side.
You could not be happier to be his queen.
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swetearss · 1 month ago
A Sinester!Mark Grayson short fic.
TW: Manipulation, kidnapping, obsessive tendencies.
Note: This thing has been in my drafts since the second season came out lol, I was just waiting for the third season to be released. 😿
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The world was no longer the same. Not now that humanity was dominated by someone that was above them in every way.
What could humans do against them? Nothing, because humans are weak beings, almost like ants in comparison to them. That's what Mark told you the day he brought you home.
He took pity on you and saved you, he took you away from the horrible reality that was the world nowadays.
At first you felt scared and confused, but over time you get to see the good side of being with Mark, and you finally opened your heart for him.
Because despite being one of them, he wasn't actually like the rest of them, he had a caring and loving side. A side that only you were able to see.
He said you'll have a good life as long as you stay by his side, as long as you never open the front door, as long as you never set foot outside the house.
Eventually you ended up agreeing with him.
And yes, sometimes the house feels lonely, so depressingly lonely that it makes your chest feel empty. And yeah, sometimes you miss your family and friends, but you know they're okay, because Mark told you they were.
Although he doesn't understand why you keep thinking about the people outside the house when you have the only thing you need by your side, isn't he enough for you?
You always assure that you love him, that you only feel somewhat worried about people you haven't seen in a long time, but from Mark's perspective, you shouldn't think of anyone other than him, other than the man you claim to love and who gives you protection. Why you care about someone other than him?
That only makes him think that his love and complete devotion to you is not enough for you. And if so, he's willing to step outside his boundaries so that his love for you will finally be enough.
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swetearss · 8 months ago
honestly, i'm just waiting for the third season of invincible to come out so i can finally post all my mark grayson drafts
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swetearss · 8 months ago
About me!
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she/her, 18, virgo, isfj.
Hi! My name is Angie and this is my little blog. Although it seems that it is a blog completely dedicated to Challengers, sometimes I also post about other things (movies, videogames, series, actors/actresses) that I like.
★ My current hyperfixations:
Devil May Cry.
DC Comics.
Star Wars.
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— challengers fic recs.
— comfort.
— happiness.
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xjulixred45x · 2 months ago
Mark x male viltrumite reader. Where reader is sent to earth instead of Anissa since he is closer to marks age. With orders to get close to mark and spy on his progress. But starts to grow closer to mark and the earth.
Also, unrelated, but defo Mark (of the series at least) give me HUGE Bisexual vibes
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Viltrimite! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: male
Warnings: spoilers from Both the comics and the series of Invencible, Reader has ISSUES and problems, but gets character devemplot, Viltrume culture, violence. Comfort/Fluff in the end.
• The Viltrumite empire was going through a great crisis. Well, maybe not to the same level of crisis as the plague, but it was definitely enough to make a big fuss. The reader found out because it was the most interesting thing they had had in many years.
• A Viltrum agent had not only withdrawn from his assigned mission on a primitive planet, but his son (an almost pure Viltrumite) seemed to refuse to continue with the mission (it seemed due to some kind of affection towards the species of that world. How absurd)
• For the same reason, there was a debate about who should be sent to check the boy's progress (if he made any progress in conquest) on the Earth.
• One of the first choices was Anissa, an elite warrior who everyone respected. However, the reader could not miss the opportunity to see such a unique case, curiosity was killing him. He then used his best charms to convince Thragg to let him go.
• Much to Anissa's chagrin, the quest was designed for the reader.
• However, what they didn't take into account was the peculiar way in which the reader planned to monitor the young Viltrumite.
• The earth was… .primitive. not Bad. Just primitive . It was what he expected, but it was suitable enough to blend in among the humans Grayson loved so much. From there, he would form his plan...
• Mark was having the worst week of his life.
• First the whole situation with Armstrong, his father, and now the Viltrumites may be coming after him and his family, his girlfriend broke up with him, he decided to leave school to focus solely on being a hero and he honestly felt miserable.
• Until one day, things changed.
• He was waiting for William at the fast food place, just wanting to have a “normal” time before getting back to the action. However, William seemed to be “fashionably late.”
• In those moments, while Mark was simply staring into space, thinking about his things, someone spoke to him. Or well, it seemed like he had already tried to talk to him and he hadn't realized. He was so tired...
• "-Hey! Are you okay man?”
• When Mark realized this, he turned to see a boy around his age, who looked confused at his lack of response, almost worried.
• Mark apologized for that and he and the guy (who is called “reader” apparently) had a friendly chat while he waited.
• He seemed like a very positive boy, a bit of that enthusiasm rubbed off on Mark. Reader said he came from out of state, wasn't on very good terms with his family, and wanted to basically start over in the city.
• Even if Mark was a little worried about the detached way the boy talked about his family, it felt good to talk to him. So when he offered to exchange numbers, he didn't really put up any resistance.
• How bad can it be to have a friend? At least he wanted to have one that wouldn't get screwed because of his superhero job...
• William eventually arrived, but when Mark was about to introduce him to the reader, he had already left. Queer. But then again, he was so tired lately that reader could have left while he didn't notice.
• Meanwhile, reader looked from the top of a water tower, playing a little with his phone's camera to focus on Mark and William leaving the premises, smiling to himself, before taking flight as quickly as possible in the opposite direction.
• Oh, Mark, you're in big trouble~
• From there, Mark and reader would chat relatively often, reader making sure to have a context consistent with his “situation” on earth. Whether it's to see some place in the city, to try some kind of food, even reader discovered that human sports are fun to watch! The more Blood, the better.
• Mark didn't really think Reader's behavior was strange, I mean yes, he ate a lot more than the average person, and he loved to scream in contact games (and scream very violently) but those were normal things in NORMAL guys, right?
• What was definitely not normal was that every time he and Reader went out in public, almost always, something happened where they needed Invincible, Mark swore it was just his damn luck again. Like when he was on dates with Amber, now was when he finally had a social life—
• The thing is that, it wasn't like that, the reader thoroughly studied all the villains in the city, memorized the possible dates of their robberies, and so he could see Invincible in action, it was incredible. His own source of entertainment (WHILE accomplishing your mission!)
• What he don't expect, though, was that at some point, this would stop feeling... good.
• There was one time, when they went to a park, that a villain was especially rude to Mark- I mean, to Invincible. Reader could see how the villain almost pulverized the bones in his left arm, the pain on Mark's face.
• And he no longer felt satisfaction.
• He felt guilt.
• Why was he putting him through that? Clearly this Viltrumite cannot carry out the invasion, he should have noticed that immediately (no, he NOTICED it immediately, but he was so into it out of curiosity and now he got attached--) and go back to the Viltrumites.
• Why did he feel that way? Why now?
• Why did he now feel empathy when Mark told him how conflicted he was about the future?
• Why did he get excited about these silly human activities?
• Why did he start avoiding places where Mark could get hurt when they went out again? Why did he feel bad lying to him?
• Oh no…no no no no no NO-
• Mark had seen many, many strange things, but seeing his new friend, fly through the skull of a sea monster, was definitely a lot to take in one day.
• But that wasn't even the worst thing, the worst thing was that he was wearing a Viltrumite uniform.
• And his whole world stopped. He didn't even feel angry or betrayed, just disappointed. He wanted to be disappointed. Stay away from him even if he was calling him, calling him by his name.
• Despite this, he did not resist when reader grabbed his hand trying to stop him, when he looked up, he did not see a crazy bloodthirsty warrior, not even someone like his father.
• He saw someone sad, regretful, a reader with the world in pieces...
• Because he realized that everything he ever learned, believed in, was wrong.
• Mark had been there before, in his position.
• he couldn't hate him, he couldn't leave him. He wouldn't do it.
• If we jump to the relationship headcanons directly, leaving aside the rocky start, you can bet there would still be drama.
• First of all, Debbie is quite skeptical about letting the reader live with her, Mark and Oliver, but seeing that he was now reduced to a kicked puppy made it easier.
• Mark tries to guide the reader in aspects of Earth culture that he couldn't before, now that he knows his context he can better teach him those concepts (things like his childhood memories, entertainment, ways of getting energy that don't involve killing the other person , etc.)
• To no one's surprise, Mark is very insistent that the reader not talk to Russel, he knows that if he finds out that there is another Viltrumite they will most likely want to open him up to see his weaknesses, so no.
• I think one of the best ways to bond with these two is to play video games, since then the reader can “fight” without really having to hurt themselves and thus learns to change their competitive nature.
• Reader is definitely the more flirtatious of the two, I don't set the rules, Mar doesn't really know how he does it until he remembers that Reader is probably much older than he looks (now he would like to forget that).
• Since they're both super humans, they get to spend a lot more time together (other than missions) and Mark honestly likes seeing the reader's expressions when they visit a new country. He was so used to all the planets looking the same, he didn't expect so much culture from such a small planet!
• Of course, just because the reader is working on being less violent does not mean that he has stopped fighting completely, sometimes Mark calls it as reinforcement, sometimes they both decide to train together.
• Ironically the greatest strength of their relationship is in domestic acts.
• Mark has taught the reader how to cook! Something like that, at least he doesn't cut the entire cutting board anymore. They even have a race to see who eats the fastest. Needless to say, the reader usually wins.
• At first, reader is very, very confused with physical affection, Mark would try to hug him from behind and he would Suplex him. But that is precisely the consequences of growing up with the Viltrumites.
• Now, ironically, reader is stuck to Mark like a tick, and Mark honestly adores him, he seems like a clingy dog. Except that said dog will rip your hand off if you insult Mark in front of him (he still finds it cute).
• There are times when the reader can't sleep, Mark feels like he walks from one side of his room to the other, how he sometimes falls out of bed, and he honestly doesn't blame him. He also has night terrors.
• sometimes Reader just looks behind and regrets EVERY day he didn't get away before, before he did those things, before he destroy so many's peoples lifes. No matter how many times Marks tell him he didn't know better, the Blood is something he NEVER loses ...
• So sometimes they just go into the living room, with a big bowl of ice cream, and cuddle until they're asleep. A nice domestic moment.
• Wow, no wonder Nolan left the mission. Love feels great.
• In general, a couple that has many battles ahead of them, but they will know how to resolve them. Together.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Mark really said "i can fix him" and it worked💀
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
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Rant about AU Yandere!Mark
Some situation with AU Yandere Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Starfire Reader (Drabble)
SinisterMark Grayson/Invincible x Evil Reader (Drabble)
Platonic Yandere! Sinister Mark Grayson/Invincible x Gn! Younger Sibiling Reader
Platonic Yandere Mohawk Mark Grayson/Invincible x Sibiling Reader: You..(Drabble)
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Scarlet Witch! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Raven! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Yui Komori! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Viltrumite! Male Reader
Immortal x Immortal! Reader: Eternity
Lluvia de ideas sobre AU yandere Mark
Algunas situaciones con el Yandere!Mark Malvado/Invencible
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Starfire Lectora (Drabble)
AU sinister! Invencible/Mark Grayson x Lectora Malvada
Yandere Platónico Sinister Mark con hermano lector
Yandere Platónico Mohawk Mark x Mainstream! Lector: tu...
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Lectora Bruja Escarlata
Mark Grayson/ Invencible x Lectora Raven
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Yui Komori lectora
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Lector Viltrumita
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xjulixred45x · 8 months ago
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Lectora Bruja Escarlata(TRADUCCION)
genero: Headcanons
lector: femenino
Advertencias: Spoilers de la temporada más reciente de INVINCIBLE Y el pasado de Wanda Maximoff (MCU), violencia típica, lectora es buena pero tiene un trauma grave, trastorno de estrés postraumático de ambas partes, consuelo, fluff.
Mark Grayson Invincible x Scarlet Witch Reader
la vida de lectora fue bastante complicada, incluso antes de que los poderes llegaran a su vida.
viviendo en un pais pobre, con una familia pobre, se tenia que hacer todo lo humanamente posible para sobrevivir.
los padres de lectora eran buenas personas, trabajadoras, honestas, pero gracias a esto no estaban mucho tiempo en casa, tenian que alimentar a DOS hijos después de todo.
por lo que lectora se entretuvo gran parte del tiempo con su hermano gemelo, Pietro.
todo parecia que se iba encaminando en sus vidas, lo recuerda bien..
era un dia tranquilo, de noche, sus padres habian podido comprar una televisión y se iban a centar todos enfrente para cenar y verla.
ella se sentia tan feliz..
...y entonces cayo el misil..
todo estuvo oscuro por un buen rato, hasta que Pietro pudo despertar a lectora, debajo de los escombros de la casa.
sus padres, muertos.
su casa destruida.
y lo peor de todo? el misil seguia ahi..titilando, como si fuera a explotar en cualquier momento..
fue la peor semana de la vida de lectora, pero lo verdaderamente malo estaba por venir.
cuando ELLOS llegaron a sus vida.
lectora no recuerda bien como se llamaban, tampoco importa ahora, no después de lo que hicieron.
les salvaron, pero a compensación los querian usar de sujetos de pruebas, que les ayudaran a crear "heroes"
y como no tenian a nadie mas, fueron con ellos.
y el proceso de obtener poderes...fue mucho mas doloroso y sacado de una pesadilla de lo que lectora pudiera imaginar.
pero lo lograron.
obtuvieron poderes.
Pietro súper velocidad.
lectora...podia casi deformar la realidad.
pero eran lo suficientemente poderosos como para huir de ELLOS y tratar de buscar justicia por mano propia.
iban a ir tras quien abomnardeo su casa.
ahi fue cuando conocieron a Invencible de forma oficial.
siendo justos, ya habia reportes de algun ladron con velocidad inhumana que estaba robando en varias ciudades (curiosamente principalmente comida y ropa..)
pero esta era la primera ocasión en la que el hacia algo MALO como atacar una empreza y no solo eso, sino que estaba acompañado.
y al principio asi fue su dinámica, Mark trataria de evitar que los gemelos destruyeran la empresa de armas y lastimaran a la gente, recibiría una paliza/drope de lore y ellos se irian por desventaja táctica.
aun si Mark es rápido, no puede superar a Pietro o los portales de lectora.
que dicho sea de paso, es la mas difícil de pelear.
Mark trata de razonar con ella cuando todavia son "enemigos" mientras luchan(o mejor dicho Mark lanza golpes y ella los redirecciona con magia) y si bien puede ver que funciona, sabe que es difícil perdonar asi de facil. especialmente cuando no tiene todo el contexto.
aunque, irónicamente pese a las palizas iniciales, Mark termina disfrutando estos encuentros casi semanales con los gemelos, especialmente lectora.
¿porque? porque justamente es quien mas le patea el trasero.
no me malentiendas, el no subestima a Pietro, pero definitivamente varios de los trucos de lectora le han dejado en haque varias veces..mas de las que puede contar.
aparte de que mientras luchan, hablan sobre cualquier cosa, lectora se va abriendo poco a poco ha Mark y evoluciona de ser totalmente hostil a ser hostil, pero disfrutando de la dinamica, sintiéndose en CONTROL de la situación.
(probablemente en alguna ocasión lectora se metio a la mente de Mark, vio todo el trauma por el que el paso, y apartir de ahi lo entendio un poco mas, fue mas comprensiva al ya no solo verlo como un heroe)
aparte de que Mark se da cuenta de varias cosas.
uno, que lectora y su hermano realmente no quieren lastimar a la gente, dos, que ellos van exclusivamente tras una empresa en específico, y tres, lectora se esta conteniendo con el.
Mark se da cuenta de que realmente no son malas personas, solo tienen algo que resolver, pero el no puede simplemente dejarlos lastimar a la gente.
..pero podria ayudarlos si ellos le dejaran.
lectora esta indecisa, mientras Pietro es MUY vocal sobre que es una MALA idea, ya que la ultima vez que se aliaron con alguna organización termino con mucho dolor.
y, bueno, Mark entiende eso MUY BIEN.
pero al menos ahora dejan de atacar de forma tan brutal las instalaciones de armas. ¡es progreso!
definitivamente puedo ver a Mark tratando de acercarse a lectora como civiles(ya que vamos, Wanda nisiquiera usa un antifaz) y gracias a que ya no necesitan pelear para verse, su relación mejora.
Pietro y Mark siguen algo tensos, pero al menos ya no ataca a Mark cuando lo ve😅
Mark trata de introducir a lectora a cosas que podrian gustarle que no tuvo la oportunidad de probar.
¿se imaginan que a lectora le termine gustando Science dog? Mark estadia tan confundido(y secretamente feliz) por que le gusta algo ""para niños""(mark )':) y lectora se abriria respecto como ella nisiquiera pudo tener ese tipo de cosas de niña, por lo que tener la oportunidad de leerlos incluso como adulta le hace muy feliz (:
(es como el equivalente de un adulto comprando un juguete que no pudo tener porque sus padres no tenian dinero).
probablemente gracias a eso lectora tenga mas predileccion a cosas de ciencia ficcion, parques de diversiones, dulces, etc.
lectora sanando su niña interior😭
y gracias a esto, lectora esta mas tranquila, serena, madura.
ahora tiene una vida por delante sin ELLOS o la venganza en su mente, puede vivir.
Pietro puede terminar encontrando su camino a su manera también. probablemente hechando una mano con su velocidad cuando se necesita.
para cuando lectora empieza a tener una relación con Mark, ella y su hermano probablemente se vuelvan una especie de duo de vigilantes, no, no trabajan para Cecil, pero podrias decir que tratan de hacer las cosas bien.
igualmente Mark les hecha una mano y los defiende si sus compañeros se ponen a la defensiva.
lectora definitivamente usa magia para hacer ciertas tareas cotidianas, entre ellas ordenar cuando esta en casa de Mark. quien sabe, incluso puede remodelar si ella quiere😅
probablemente gracias a esto Debbie le guste mucho lectora, no solo porque es una jovencita encantadora, sino por tener una buena influencia sobre Mark y viceversa.
lectora y Pietro realmente no van a la escuela, por lo que probablemente estudien en casa, Mark puede hecharles una mano con la tarea! claro, en los temas en los que no esta muy atrasado🤣
ambos disfrutan mucho deo tiempo que pasan juntos en general. ya sea leyendo comics, volando, incluso cuando se topan patrullando, es agradable.
bueno, excepto para Pietro que ahora esta condenado a ser la tercera rueda🤣.
definitivamente puedo ver a Mark dandole como regalo algunos de sus juguetes viejos a lectora en vez de tirarlos como en la última temporada, ya que con lo mucho que se emociono con los comics, los juguetes la dejaron LLORANDO. EN EL BUEN SENTIDO!!
Una parte del corazon de Mark se parte un poco al pensar en todo el trauma por el que lectora paso como para que ESO la haga llorar.
al igual que otras cosas.
por ejemplo, creo que Lectora ODIARIA los despertadores, especialmente los que tienen luces titilantes ...
al igual que tiene una ENORME claustrofobia y miedo a la oscuridad.
cualquiera de esas cosas pueden ocasionar o un ligero temblor o un ataque de panico en todo derecho.
y eso convinado con poderes no termina nada bien.
Mark es el unico que puede calmarla durante estos arrebatos y salir vivo😅 junto a Pietro obvio.
tambien pese a la gran diferencia de poder entre ambos, Mark sigue siendo protector con lectora, no solo por su historial de trauma, sino también porque le conto de las veces en las que la han manipulado/usado(ej, ELLOS) y en parte gracias al gran corazon de lectora, a Mark le preocupa que ella sea algo ingenua/facil de engañar.
aunque en general es lectora quien le salva el pellejo en situaciones de riesgo. ya sea encontrándolo en otras dimension, evitando que los edificios colapsen mientras lucha contra alguien, enviando a algun enemigo a otro planeta, etc.
definitivamente lo encuentra lindo(y ardiente cuando las cosas se ponen feas, pero esto es sfw asi que).
cuando llegan los viltrumitas a la tierra, puedes apostar a que estos instintos protectores se elevan A MIL(probablemente lectora trate de usar magia en la casa de Mark para que asi sus enemigos tengan un tiempo difícil para rastrearlo).
Mark presentandole a lectora a Oliver🥺 y ella haciendo truquitos de magia para entretenerlo🥺✨(Mark se enamora otra vez lol)
en general, una pareja que se apoya atravez de lo bueno y lo malo. juntos .
(aunque Pietro sera eternamente la tercera rueda🤣)
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xjulixred45x · 2 months ago
Guys, reminder that tomorrow i close the Request for a gooood time, SO if You still jabe Requests left, this is Your chance!
These are the Requests that i have in the drafts(to prevent repetitive Requests):
Immortal (Invencible) x Immortal! Reader Headcanons
Platonic Yandere Higuruma and Nanami with Necro! Reader
Shiro/Allura/Lotor x Anya (Mouthwashing)! Reader
Platonic Hades/Poseidón with Mabel! Reader
Alternative Scenario for Falin! Reader x Rex Salazar
Yandere Poly ThanZagMeg x Assesin Reader Headcanons
Apollo x Male! Reader like Death the kid From SoulEater
Yandere Poseidon x Kianna Reader One Shot
Hades/Qin Shi Huang x Male! Reader god of anger
Platonic Hades and Hobbie (Spiderverse)! Reader
Buda x Daughter of Poseidon! Reader
Platonic Poseidón with demigod Reader (plus little sister)
Platonic Eli Shane/Tad Blakk/Junjie with Odysseus! Reader
Hades x Oshun! Reader
Platonic Hades and Inosuke! Reader One Shot
Thor x Sif! Reader Family Headcanons
Platonic Tahomaru with Odysseus! Reader
Arthur Pendragon (NNT) x Helen of Sparta! Reader
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ultrastarbee · 3 years ago
Heyy umm i saw your requests are open soo can i get toman boys (you can chose which ones) w Kazutora and Haitani brothers with a reader that is like Komi-san from Komi can't Communicate?
Headcanons and separately if it's ok. Thank you in advance and sorry to take your time💝
Title: A silent friendship
Request: yeees
Couple: Mikey x g.n!Reader, Baji x g.n!Reader, Kazutora x g.n!Reader, Rindou Haitani x g.n!Reader, Ran Haitani  x g.n!Reader
Category: Fluffy ☁
Content Warning: bad language?
Word Count: 2.225
Summary: You have problems communicating with other people, but even a person like you want to make friends
A/N: Komi-san manga never picked up my interest, but I did read a lot of it just to pick up the character and ended up loving it. So adorable! I recomend Hibi Chouchou too! It's a good shoujo! So let's see how it goes! Sorry, ended up making small stories
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People saw you as an ice queen: pretty and cold. Never talks to anyone and ignores everyone who comes to talk to you. Even your classmates from year don't know your voice. Except Draken, whose class was just behind you. Draken and you were classmates since you could remember. People didn't talk to him neither, but because of fear other than admiration. And there was Mikey. Just like Draken you were classmates for a long time, but could you really say so, thought? Mikey was always sleeping. He was never around others too. You didn't know how things ended like that. Your class was between them.
Mikey just talked with people he finds interesting. You aren't one of those. But Draken laugh his ass off everytime you try to talk with people. He knows about your communication problems since you two first met, so he suggets you to try talking with Mikey.
It's a pretty pathetic situation. You eat lunch with them. You, the quiet and pretty Ice Queen, eating lunch with Draken and the Invencible Mikey. This was the gossip of the week at school. Everyone was staring from afar.
"Ice cream with dung flavor or dung with ice cream flavor, which one would you rather eat?" thats how you decided to start the conversation. Mikey looked at you with a serious face and Draken was shivering trying to stop himself from laughing. "They smell? How they look like?". That was it. Draken was laughing so hard his soda came out of his nose. "I would eat the dung with ice cream flavor. If it smells like ice cream and taste like ice cream, just close your eyes and it's ice cream" Your response made Draken lose all the air he still had on his lungs. "But it's still dung, thought" Mikey was thinking about that serious.
Draken promised himself he would never let you and Mikey alone with someone else. You two together were worse than kids. And for Drakens amusement Mikey decided you were the most fun person at school. Mikey comes out nowhere with dumb questions just like yours "would you rather lick someones feet or lick someones armpit?" and there you two go again.
But there are times when Mikey isn't in a great mood. These days you keep yourself quiet around him and protects his naps. Mikey likes to have you around.
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All the school idolizes you, but no one looks you in the eyes. They get terrified as soon as they see you looking at them. Even the teachers seem to be scared. At the beggining you just wanted to make some friends, but now you don't even have this hope anymore. Having high grades made you proud, at least you were good on being a good student. That's how you ended up having to help Baji Keisuke, a classmate.
Your had heard some people talking behind his back, but Baji didn't reacted. He was so focused on doing his tasks. You got a little confused. Someone so hard working and nerd looking must be smart, right? Wrong. So wrong. But he was indeed a hard working student.
You made some notes on his books to help him study and he had a lot of questions. Baji sure wasn't shy, but he was impatient as hell. As he waited you write the answers he keeps talking and talking. "P-please, slow down" you were looking at your feet when asked. Baji looks at you with his giant glasses and smiles. "So you do speak!"
The next day for ever fifty words he said you answered two. School subjects weren't good enought, but you and Baji were friends. Kinda? You were always together. And because he was walking with you his grades ended up better.
The other students didn't like that at all. You were worried Keisuke would be bullied, but he always laughs that off saying you are worrying too much. You were. Baji was the only person who you talked to.
You were walking home when you saw him punching someone who tried to ambush him. Well, he really wasn't being bullied. So that's why he didn't get scared of your stare: his was so much more intimidating. "You should wear glasses too" this was Keisuke's best ideia for you to hide your fierce eyes. The next day you are wearing glasses just like his. "It's contagious" other students screams as you and Baji walked to the class.
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Everyone knew he was just out of juvie, so no one talked with Kazutora either. You two weren't even in the same class, but Kazutora made his personal task to know more about you. He needed to know, right? If there's a person so feared as him at school, he needed to know more! The students told him it wasn't fear, they just didn't want to bother you. They respect you so much no one even try to be around you at lunch time. They think you are some kind of angel and everyday there's someone confessing their love for you. Kazutora needed to know you.
So he does. Everyday Kazutora search for you at lunch time, but no one knows where you are. He tries to get close to your friends, but no one know who's friends with you. No one even know the path you take to come to school everyday. Kazutora was sure you were threatening the students so they don't talk about you.
The next day he finally found you at lunch time. Kazutora knew it was you even from afar. He was obsessed with you in the past few days. You were crying over your lunchbox and squeak when he stands in front of you. "Found you!" with a smile as a kid playing hide and seek Kazutora sits at your side "Good at hiding, huh?". You nod still crying. This isn't a feared person. "Why you here?" Kazutora senses something strange, so he just starts watching some ants on the ground while waiting your response.
"This is the best place." You sniff and his yellow eyes are over you, but they go back to the ants as you go quiet. "I don't have friends to eat with. I don't know how to make friends. So I'm here. I can't talk to them, but I can share my food with the ants. They come here everyday too, so we are friends now. They bite me sometimes, but we are friends. I used to envious seeing people with their friends, but now I have my own friends. Look, that one is named Eyeball, and the one behind her is named Stingy. They won't reject me if I don't know how to talk with them. But sometimes they go away too"
When Kazutora looked at you, you were crying again. He was wrong about you, but that doesn't mean he regrets looking for you. That was the first time you ever talked so much with someone at school, but this boy seemed so kind. Almost like a cat.
Kazutora smiles at you and bites your hand. "Now I have bitten you like the ants, can we be friends too? Even if you can't talk when I look at you, I want to be your friend".
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You know the Haitani brother for a while now. Well, KNOW is a strong word. They live together downstairs. You see them sometimes, but never talked with them. You know about them, you know they think you are afraid. And they aren't totally wrong, but you aren't afraid of them. They were never violent with you. You are afraid of rejection when talking with people. You don't know how to do that, so you don't. You even quitted school. There's no one to scream at you for that. You live alone.
Your main event of the day is to sit at the window and watch the world outside. The sunrises, children go to school, adults go to work, old people are assaulted by some robbers, the police doesn't do shit and the sun goes down. Rindou go out and waits for his brother. Some hours later they are back with some bruises and blood.
Today was a rain day. Everything was gray, except the light blue on Rindou's hair. You look at him everyday. He wasn't using a umbrella. He would get sick. You open your windou and Rindou looks at you and frowns. He wasn't wearing his glasses, so he barely saw you from afar with that rain. But he saw the small object you throw him. An old woman who lived in the same building was always throwing things at him and Ran, but Rindou knew the old lady didn't live in that floor. He took the object from the ground and smiled when saw it was a small umbrella.
Ran gets out of the building wearing a raincoat. He was having his fun. Rindou laughs at his brother and waves to you. Ran follows his brother gaze and waves too. He didn't even knew why, but he was waving anyway. You stayed by your window with a red face. That was your first interaction with your neighbors and they seemed to be very polite. You waited for them to come back. You didn't knew yet, but this would be a future habit of yours.
That night when they came back Rindou goes up your floor and knocks at the door. "That was nice" he says giving you back you wet umbrella. You go inside your room leaving him holding the object. A small puddle was forming on the ground. "Are you okay?" you write in a piece of paper. "Yeah. Had to teach manners for some losers" Rindou arches his eyebrows with the strange comunication. "Good! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n" he reads again as you smile. "Haitani Rindou".
You walks towards him to get your umbrella and end up slipping in the puddle. Rindou catches you before your face is against his feet. "So-so sorry!" you stutter with a red face again. "See you around, Y/n. Be sure to wait for me tomorrow too" Rindou waves as he walks down the stairs again.
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Ran: (I love how his image ended up looking like)
Ran wasn't quiet at all. He likes talking and he likes teasing people. Ran makes fun of people constantly and he know no one would have balls to fight him for it. You live near him, so you know that. You also know how loud he talks when he's playing with his brother. Ran knows how to talk.
You were thinking about that while walking and looking at your own feet. You always take the same path as them when walking back home. You don't even know if they go to school, but the time you three go back home is the same. Today Ran was alone. He was walking ahead, so you kept your distance. "Actually, we should know each other" he turns to you out of the blue and you freeze in place "come on, not gonna hurt you". Ran throws an arm around your neck and starts walking by your side. "Talk to me, I'm bored". "I-I-I-I-I" you were stuttering with the sudden approach. "That's pathetic" Ran mocks as you two walk by some delinquents. They give Ran a ugly look and walk away. Ran gets away from you as soons as the delinquents vanished. He enters some building and leave you behind.
The next day Ran was alone again, but this time he ignores you. Today you were ready to try talking to him and to thank him for taking care of you when he saw the delinquents. Ran was tall, so his footsteps were bigger than yours. You speed up, but it seems impossible to catch up with him. You ended up chasing him all along the street. Ran was walking fast. You both ended up running till the crosswalk, where he stops. Ran was laughing his ass off as you was trying to breath like a normal person again.
"Why you chasing me?" Ran still had a naughty grin on his face. "I'm Y/n" you pass him a pre-written note. "I'm Ran" he looks at you interested. "Thanks for yesterday" the second note had a smiley face on it. "I was bored" Ran replies smiling for knowing you aren't afraid of him "there's more of these?". "I like your braids" this note had a doodle of him. Ran loved it. "Thanks. More?" He wanted to have all of them. You denied with your head and Ran seems disappointed.
Taking a pen out of your pocket you hold his hand. "Nice to meet you, Ran!" you write and he smiles again. "Nice to meet you, Y/n" Ran mimics you. "Where is your brother?" you write on him again. "Rindou has a cold" there was concern on his voice "I actually need to get going". Ran starts to walk fast again. Rindou was all alone and sick.
"Do you need help?" you managed to ask with a trembling voice as you chase him again. Ran was looking at you curious. Why didn't you talked to him before? You catch his hand again "I know how to make soup. Tastes good!".
"Yes, please" Ran smiles again, now taking you inside his home.
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